Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Remember Me?

Gosh, I can't believe I have allowed so much time to pass since my last entry.

Got to pickup my TNT training manuel last night. It is so cool. It has the next 15 weeks planned out for walking, cross training, and resting. Knowing how strong willed and defiant I am, most of you will find it hard to believe that I am looking forward to being told what to do, how to do it, and when to do it.

It was totally amazing seeing the crowd of people that showed up for their training manuels last night. Last night the founder of the organization announced that there are only 200 hundred people in the entire nation that have been certified to coach in this particular manner. Only 7 in the state of Indiana and 5 of those 7 are working with TNT. How cool is that! I this little bitty, no place, nobody town, I am going to be trained by the nation's best.

Help me say a little prayer--I hope the winter is over for us here. We didn't get snow for Christmas so I am officially out of the mood. We can just pass on into spring. I can handle cold days--I just want LONGER ones!

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