Tuesday, February 27, 2007
My dear friend Jen has introduced a new vice to my life. In an attempt to get me out of my comfy house and comfy flannel pjs(by the way, is that really so wrong? to love your house and pjs?) she has officially gotten me addicted to beading.
Tonight she accompanied me on a trip to our local Hobby Lobby. It is the most awesome store. My ADHD goes haywire. She and Nate kept making fun of the fact that I couldn't stay focused enough to complete a sentence. Mid sentence a new bead, clasp, or clearance sign would lasso me in.
My ultimate goal is to make enough money from the sale of my "masterpieces" to fund my trip to NYC for Christmas and New Years Eve.
Yes, I am avoiding, I don't wanna admit that I skipped out on training today. I have got to be the laziest person on earth. I can go to bed after midnight, get up when the alarm clock goes off at 4am, sign onto my computer, check email, blogs, etc...and be up until 5am--at which time I look outside, see frost on the windows, and head back to bed b/c I don't wanna have to warm up my car.
Yesterday while I was doing my big walk I caught myself making new excuses. For the last couple of months now I have been saying, "if it was just lighter outside". It finally gets lighter of an evening and now I am whining b/c the temps have dropped again. Next thing you know it will be lighter and warmer and I will have to invent an entirely new excuse--hm, like--"I am walking entirely too fast. If only I could gain some more weight in my butt and hips to slow me down a bit." (yeah, pigs with wings will be spotted on the doprad).
Monday, February 26, 2007
When I decided to participate in the Lenten season my goal, ulterior motive, hope above all hopes was that the sugar in my system would dissipate. Once I get over that little hump I can eat sensibly (lotsa fruits & veggies/3 meals a day/eat only when hungry and to satisfaction/basically food is just fuel for me).
It wasn't until day four of Lent that it occurred to me that I was limiting God. For crying out loud--if He can shed His life for me on a cross, be raised from the dead, and leave His Holy Spirit for me, could He not take away this aversion that I have to sugar all together. Could He not change my whole outlook?
Day four became, "Oh Happy Day"!
Initially, I was using a Lent devotional that I found through Christian Book Distributors; however, this particular devotional did not seem to be working for me. It wasn't bringing me to the place of brokenness and devotion that I was desiring. I have since switched to one called The Journey to the Cross my friend Jen has been using. It has been totally amazing.
Tonight while Nate was at tutoring I decided to do a path that I had been told was exactly a mile. I figured that I s/b able to get in at least 3 miles by the time his hour was up. It was much cooler than I expected--no excuses, I just kept plugging on as quickly as I could. Even jogged a little.
My first "mile" was 25 minutes and my second was a little over 26. I was about to give up on walking and the Mini altogether. Even at my heaviest w/ no activity level to speak of I could do a 20 minute mile. Once Nate was done I decided to measure out the distance. It actually ended up being 1.4 miles....thank God! Woohoo! Basically, I did almost 3 mi in 51 min--roughly a 17 min mile. Not my best time--but still better than what the Mini requires.
The new kicks really felt wonderful. It is amazing how different it feels when you wear a shoe designed for your feet and the activity you are participating in. Each pair of shoes should only be used for 200 miles; therefore, I now have 197.2 miles left on this pair.
Does anyone watch the NBC show Heroes? We almost gave up on it recently. We had not seen the last 4 episodes but they were recorded and saved on the dvr. This weekend we got caught up on them. Tonight was awesome! Nothing is as it seems. If you have not been watching I highly recommend that you pickup the seasons as they become available on dvd. The writers have this show so well thought out. I wish my mind worked like that!
I want to close with a quote that I read this evening. I receive weekly updates by email from the 500 Festival--training tips for the Mini/sponsored by Subway restaurants. This particular quote got a hold of me b/c I feel that I haven't been putting in as much time into training as I s/b:
Seize the day
To paraphrase an old poster: Today is the first day of the rest of your training. It doesn’t matter where you started or how far you’ve come. Today is the day.
Your training didn’t start 6 weeks ago. Your training started the last time you hit the road.
John “the Penguin” Bingham
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The time has come to retire my training shoes. My Physician, who participates in marathons, explained to me that the insides of shoes breaks down much quicker than the outside. Although my shoes appeared as if they had many more miles to them according to their aesthetics they were well past their functionality.
If anyone ever tells you that all sporting good stores are created equally they are incorrect. I have been so entirely impressed with the staff of Pacesetter Sporting Goods. Their depth of knowledge is very impressive. The young gal who assisted me was interested more in my arch and gait than selling me the highest priced option.
When it came to trying on the different shoes she always put a different style of shoe on each foot. This was so helpful. It helped me to see the difference between the two. It was much easier to eliminate the option that was not comfortable. Within minutes I had gone through quite a few different brands and styles--ultimately choosing the best, most comfortable one for me.
Once the determination had been made she had me walk on a treadmill to watch my stride and how the shoes supported it. I am so grateful for the perfect match.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Yesterday, while taking Nate to school, I noticed a new type of plate on several cars. On the left hand side of plate it says IN GOD WE TRUST. It is the coolest. I liked it so well that I was willing to pay an extra fee if it was specific to a certain organization.
During lunch I noticed a co-worker had one on her car. It occurred to me that her last name begins with the letter "A"--I am soooooo excited, these are our new state plates! I will not have to pay extra for it.
It seems like a wonderfully bold move on behalf of our state government. In a world where every belief or right seems to be honored except for the Christian belief this is an awesome statement. This decision is an exciting one because it proves that we as Christians, despite our denominational preferences, have become united in our very basic belief. We are like minded and willing to come together and fight as children of God.
This seems like a major accomplishment for society to acknowledge our very relevant existence.Our numbers would have to be phenomenal in order for this issue to be raised--for government to relent in dividing us. Our voices, in the name of God, have been heard.
It seems that the government seems to be learning from the lessons that we have been teaching the retail industry in the last several years.
You know, as usual, that I am probably over thinking all of this--irregardless, I am grateful for the opportunity to proudly display this plate on my vehicle.
Friday, February 23, 2007
In keeping with the tradition of Lent, within the Catholic church, I opted for seafood. We had a wonderful dinner with my friend Susan and her teenage son Andrew at the local Red Lobster.
Our 20-25 minute wait, to be seated, ended up being more like 45-50. Once I was elbow deep in crab legs and butter I completely understood why the folks before us were a little delayed in leaving. Nate could not believe the "amount of food" I had eaten. Hello, he was basing that on the empty crab shells NOT the 2 ounces of crab meat that I got out of that pound of shells.
Tonight I actually took advantage of the complimentary garlic, cheese biscuits. Not that I eat there often; however, when I have gone in the recent past it seems like I am always trying to watch my carb intake. Rather than skipping them this evening I ate 3.
Today was particularly difficult when it came to sweets as there was a birthday in the office today. A couple of gals brought homemade brownies and cakes with homemade icing. You know me--cake and ice cream would be my primary staples if I went by feeling and desire alone. It seems so unfair that the nutritional value of these items are not the equivalent of fruit and veggies.
Susan and I discussed that when she attempts a low carb diet the first 3 days are the worst. She said yesterday that day three is when it starts to get a little easier. Not for this sugar addict. Today all I could hear was co-workers raving about the homemade treats, Girl Scout cookies being delivered, and the waitress explaining in entirely too much detail every ooey gooey ingredient on the dessert tray. Aack!
During my prayer and devotional time tonight I kept hearing the scripture, in my mind, "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good". Father, forgive me that at this particular time I cannot imagine you tasting better than Cold Stone Creamery, a Reeces peanut butter egg, or an entire tray of Peeps.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
It has been kind of a stressful, crazy week at work. I am so looking forward to going to the movies with Nate. We were supposed to go see the new Nick Cage movie, GHOSTRIDER, last weekend; however, our near blizzard conditions kept us home bound. We have really been looking forward to it. Bummed does not even begin to describe how disappointed we were last weekend--we wanted to be there for the new release so badly.
There is nothing like popcorn for dinner. Sweets are not going to be a temptation at the movie theater as I am entirely too cheap to purchase the much overpriced, almost criminal, candy they sell there. Normally, I will go buy it at the dollar store and sneak it in.
When Nate was just a little tyke we went to the "fueter" to see FLUBBER. I stopped by the dollar store on the way there to pick up a few of our favorite treats (Gummier Bears & Junior Mints). When we got back in the car, with the sweetest innocence of a child, Nate asked me, "Mom will the fueter police arrest us?"--apparently my previous warning about not piping up in front of the ticket guy about our hidden treasures caused him some distress. Needless to say I did not sneak any sweet treats that day.
Eating sugary sweets has not really been an issue today. I am very mindful of my commitment when planning meals. I had a sugar-free Dulce/Cinnamon latte and a egg, ham, & cheese bagel from Starbucks for lunch. That was a little enticing as we went inside to place our orders instead of the drive thru. It seemed like every time I turned away from a sweet treat I was faced with another one.
Totally out of boredom and habit I started to head toward a candy jar in the office that I usually visit between 2:00 and 3:00 in the afternoon. I did it so absently that when I "came to" it kind of scared me. I don't want to screw up because of distraction or my mind being a hundred miles away when I happen to be standing by a treat jar. It really caused me to wonder how many times this must happen and I am never even aware of it.
Tonight, while shopping for birthday treats for a co-worker, I discovered that they now have Sugar-Free PEEPS. I was pretty excited about it and purchased a couple--one for me and one for Jen. Although they are sugar-free I am going to hang on to them--it just didn't seem right to partake of candy during this time. The packaging says it contains Splenda.
Last week when I was sharing with Kimberly (remember my little neighbor girl who likes to do squats and lunges with me around the neighborhood) my winter blues issues she gave me a solution to my woes. Her mom is an RN. When Kim's elderly grandfather gets winter blues her mom takes him to a tanning bed for some light therapy. Apparently it is very common for older folks to go to tanning salons to get a pick me up. I am not a big fan of tanning; however, I'm thinking if I go for brief amounts of time and sparingly I may get the desired effects from it. At this point I am willing to give it a try.
Worked out this evening. I really had to give myself a kick in the pants to get out the door. It was all the more rewarding when I got there and accomplished my objective. The Y really needs some new equipment--I couldn't believe the amount of squeaking and squawking that many of the machines were making. There was one that was particularly annoying. I would think that a little bit of grease or something would do the trick. They have about 10 treadmills and at least 4 of them have 'out of order' signs on them.
There was a fella walking on a treadmill that started screeching like it was taking its dying breath. It startled him so that he just stopped--he almost bit the dust because the conveyor kept moving. Fortunately he regained his balance once he managed to hop onto the side treads.
Nite Nite All!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Temptation?....What was I thinking when I signed up for this?
Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He fasted forty days and forty nights.--Matthew 4:1-2
The Spirit is leading us into a wilderness of the imagination, a period of testing: Lent. For several weeks, we will focus our minds more intently than usual on God, wiping cobwebs from the corners of the soul, noticing what has crept in that is not of God, remembering how God is yearning for us to grow spiritually.
Excerpted from: The Sanctuary of Lent 2007 by James C. Howell
Have I neglected all things spiritual to the point of disregard for the temptation part of this Lenten equation? Did I really think that Lent is as superficial as not partaking in sweets and sugars? Was I only imagining a slight irritation--sweets being dangled in front of me on a stick for only 40 days? Surely I can handle that little blip in the road.
Maybe I should read a little more than the suggested verse. Aha, Jesus was not actually tempted for 40 days. He fasted for 40 days and nights--the devil then tempted Him. Well, that's a little better. That is 39 days in the future. You know me the eternal procrastinator--we can worry about that when the time comes. Surely the Lord will be strengthening me by His mighty power to overcome that temptation, right?
Several, several years ago I had a Lenten revelation. Struggling with food issues and eating disorders for most of my life, it was fascinating to me that the devil used food as the first temptation. The devil then went on to tempt Jesus with acclaim and greed. Since food has always been my shortcoming, I have never progressed, if you will, to the point of acclaim and greed.
Imagine a conversation between the devil and one of his underling demons:
Demon: "Hey, there is Shauna, why don't we tempt her with the fame and notoriety that could come from being the novelist that she always wanted to be? Or maybe we can give her the business savvy of Trump? Better yet, why don't we give her the business savvy of Trump and allow her to appear on the Apprentice."
Devil: "Nah, just throw a Twinkie out in front of her. She will be bound for decades."
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
In the back of my mind, for the last week or so, I have been contemplating the Lenten season. Although I found some success last year with my nutrition, physical activity, discipline, and consistency it was all limited to my own strength and ability. If I am to find extreme success with long lasting effects it can only be through the power of God.
It is shameful the amount of growth in spirituality that I have been negligent with. Unfortunately, I have allowed my own hurt and disappointment in mortal man to distance me from my Lord. All things spiritual, my Bible, my church attendance, and my devotional time have been a source of contempt for me the last couple of years. And those of you close enough to me can see how the absence of all of these things have been playing out in my life.
Fortunately, of all things, I was listening to Bob & Tom on the radio this morning on my way to work. It was actually one of the djs that brought up the fact that this is Fat Tuesday. I would have missed it if it hadn't been for that dj. Knowing how much of an 'all or nothing' person I am this could have been disastrous. If I had discovered it Lent had already begun, even a day or two into it, I would have been defeated--rather than attempting to give God my sacrifice for the remaining days.
There are three issues that I want to address during this Lenten season:
*A sacrifice of sugars, sweets, desserts (I could literally eat cake and ice cream every meal for the rest of my life).
*Allow God to increase in my devotional time.
*Allow God to increase in my time of exercise.
All of that is easy to write down until I take the flip side of those issues into consideration. All of them require me to die to self. My self that is entirely self-centered.
You will have to bear with me--this blog will turn into my revelations of Lent.
Monday, February 19, 2007
All day long I have looked forward to getting out into the much anticipated sultry temps. It had been forecasted that the high today would be 42 degrees. Woohoo! I should easily be able to do 5 miles in 42 degree weather.
Apparently I don't understand science very well. A high of 42 degrees does not eliminate 6 inches of snow and ice in an 8 hr period. I figured it would be a little wet...but I didn't realize that if you added just a little color and a little flavoring that you would have the best slurpee ever. We now have 3 inches of pure slush.
The last few hours of the work day my head was throbbing. Fortunately, I have stayed relatively healthy this winter; however, I think my time has come. Everyone at work has had this sinusee, funky, snotty, whooping cough sounding illness that generally lasts 2 wks (minimum). The origin of the throbbing seemed to be my sinuses. Wouldn't that be just great! Temps cooperate and I get the funk.
Even though my head was throbbing I kept telling myself, "tough sh*t, you are going to walk"--when I emerged from my basement ofc and determined the outer world was covered in slush I have to admit I was a bit relieved. After preparing Nate's dinner I have been resting w/ the lights turned off.
Jen tagged me a week ago--to share 5 things that is not generally known about me. My life is such an open book, I can't really think of 5 whole things. I may have to spread this tag over several days.
1)I worked part-time for Market Square Arena as an usher in the late 80's, early 90's. I was serenaded to by Rod Stewart, been greeted by Kenny G & Tracy Chapman, and yelled at by Anita Baker. Apparently she was remorseful b/c she requested to meet me so she could apologize--whatever! Still don't listen to her music to this day.
2)Although I have successfully matched five couples with their soul mates (all have been married in excess of 15 years) I have been unsuccessful in finding my own 6'4 bald man.
3)While working for Peoples Bank & Trust in Inpdls I was working in a branch that was robbed. The teller line was behind bullet proof glass. I was stuck back in a corner running the drive thru window. Did not even know what had happened until I walked into the vault, passed the tellers, and say about 20 IPD officers running in, guns drawn. (It was suspected to be an inside job--w/ the cooperation of the teller directly involved).
4)Climbed up on top of the Indiana Theater (more bird poop than you can possibly imagine).
5)Went on a memorable tour of NYC via the subway. My friend that I was touring with assured me that subway cars were nothing like what you see in the movies. New, well lit, w/o graffiti. As my luck would have it, the car that pulled up to us was dilapidated, windows broken, lights burnt out, graffiti laden. We stepped on and took the train to the next stop, got off to go on to the next stop, instead, ended up on a train that took us back to where we had just come from--repeated this twice. I attempted to ask for help from one of the fellow passengers; however, my friend didn't seem to think that drawing anymore attention to the fact that we were tourists was such a great idea. Fortunately, everything worked out for the best. I will never go on the subway again b/c the stench is enough to kill a person.
My tag will now go out to: Susan, Sissa & Pandy.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
This weekend T&C&M have braved a trip to Indpls. Initially we heard we were supposed to have an additional inch of snow but it seems much more significant than that. Tim had contest to attend for his music students and Cole and Max had a birthday party to attend.
Cole has been sooooo good to me about getting Nate to school during these school delays. Rather than boarding Gunther we brought him in. He has really matured. He is so woolly that he brings in miniature snowballs attached to the hair around his feet. He is such a good watch dog. Nothing gets past him. Unfortunately, all sounds are foreign to him so he has been alerting us all day.
My day has been spent reading a cheesy book, Reality TV Bites. With the streets being so bad this week I have been spending a good amount of time in the library branch located near my work. Life has been kind of stressful for the last couple of months so I have chosen to pick up light-hearted, humorous reading. Don't need any more weighty things to have to think about. It's an OK read. It definitely doesn't read as easy as Body Movers I read last week.
Also, I have spent today updating my blogger to the newest Beta version. Don't ask me what that means. I held out as long as I could and then they no longer gave me the option to sign into my old blogger format. I had high hopes for it being more idiot friendly. Initially I thought that had really "figured it out"--unfortunately, I was wrong.
My new addiction is beading thanks to my friend Jen. Last night I attended a beading bee. We had such a great time. Homemade guacamole, homemade salsa, and a little margarita. We were so busy chatting, chuckling, and beading that I neglected to notice that my "bracelet" ended up being more the size of a necklace for a small child. I plan on reworking it tomorrow.
Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to watch the news the last couple of days. A co-worker said that it is supposed to get up to 52 degrees this week. I am so ready! It is no secret that I have been bummed about my lack of activity here recently. Fortunately there are gals out there, whose blogs I read, that give me hope. I am not alone in these winter doldrums. Runner girl, Jenn in Detroit and Andrea K, in Pennsylvania, have restored my hope for an active future. This is just a temporary stagnation. I don't have to allow myself to slip backwards--I just need to stand--this time shall pass.
Monday, February 12, 2007
These last couple of months have kind of been the pits. I just can't get motivated to do anything! It has really been freaking me out b/c there really isn't that much more time until the Mini. Finally, I figured out what my deal is...the winter blues. I was watching my favorite little weatherman the other day and he brought up the winter blues. It was a light bulb moment. Every winter this happens to me! How could I forget?
Since the winter has been unseasonably warm this year my body is all out of whack. Normally, I am on the upswing by now. Just as soon as the temps are slightly bearable I begin spending time outside in the direct sunlight. It does wonders for me. Right now it is so completely frigid. We are supposed to be having a snow/ice storm tonight. Our wonderful school corporation has already called a 2 hr delay.
Fun Mini Facts: My friend Laura, in an attempt to get me excited about the Mini again, told me that there is all kinds of entertainment that takes place during the 13.1 mile trek. She had told me that are bands that perform all along the route. Last night I actually got an email from the 500 Festival that said that there are going to be approximately 140 bands performing.
Laura said that there is one corner that you turn that comes out in front of a biker bar. The bikers are lined up w/ their Harleys in their leathers and passing out cups of beer for all of the runners. How fun is that! I don't know that I will take advantage of it--I suppose it will just depend on the mile marker that they are located on. If they happen to be on the 13 mile marker you may see me come across the finish line "double fisted".