Monday, October 30, 2006


Tonight I spent about an hour in the new fitness facility at the hospital--I haven't met with the trainer yet for my personalized workout regime so I am pretty much doing cardio on the eliptcial and the treadmill. The eliptical was a piece of cake but the treadmill kicked my behind! I decided to do sprints on the treadmill--run for a minute, walk casual for two minutes to cool down. That little excercise really got my heart rate up.

The fitness center is located on the fifth floor of a tall bldg. It is really cool b/c all the machines face a huge wall of windows toward campus and downtown. There is a great bird's eye view. Tonight, as the sun set, the cloud formations were spectacular. (when I was doing the sprints I kept thinking I was going to vault myself out over the city)

Getting back in the swing of a gym workout is a success; however, the greatest success for me today was going thru the Burger King drive up for Nat's dinner and not ordering a Mushroom and Swiss Angus Burger. Normally BK is my least favorite place to go but that sandwich looked awesome! Instead a settled for the "close second" choice--cottage cheese and a tomato, woohoo!!!

When we got home tonight the neighborhood was full of little "beggers". This year I chose a few different options for our trick or treaters. Little containers of Play Doh, Twizzlers, Jolly Ranchers, some kind of super sour gummie things (my mouth is puckering just typing about them), and hot chocolate packets.

Tim just called and said that they will be bringing Max over tomorrow night. I can't wait to see what the little stinker butt dresses up as. His favorite shows are Thomas the Train, Handy Manny, and Buzz Lightyear. I better get the batteries charged for the digital camera.

Saturday, October 28, 2006


I am ashamed to say that I have not done one ounce of excercise since the Race for the Cure and I have pretty much eaten anything and everything that I have desired. Can't really put into words what has been going on but today it changes!

Thanks to my friend Jen, who can be a real pain in the @$& sometimes (Jen, you know I mean that in the most loving affectionate way possible), I will finally be joining the hospital fitness center. This morning I have an eye appt to keep (aging sucks!) and then we are going to head up to the fitness center to work out and meet the trainers.

Nat has a very special person to meet w/ today. His dad called yesterday and said that he and his new wife had their baby--a boy. Right now I am having a hard time reading Nat's reaction. I think he wants to be excited about the baby but he may be a little jealous and sensitive to his former step mom's feelings. Poor guy--his life was never meant to be this complicated.

Last night Nat went to a birthday party. Originally they were supposed to go to Pumpkin Works (lots of straw mazes and haunted hayride); however, our weather here has been horrible and the little girl's parents decided to by pass all the mud that would be involved. The kids decided to go to a local haunted house which the Humane Society was putting on as a fundraiser.

Nat ended up being the "front" man b/c all the other kids were too skeered. He said it ended up being pretty lame b/c the birthday girl (15 yrs) freaked out and cried and screamed the whole way through. A monster came out of the shadows with a flash light to escort them out. He asked all the other monsters to please not jump out and scare the kids. Therefore, they got a lighted tour straight out the door. That was a $5 well spent.

Tonight Kim and I decided to go see the movie THE PRESTIGE with Hugh Jackman and Christian Bayle. It was AWESOME!!!!! I can't wait to get it when it comes out on video b/c I am sure there is a lot that I didn't catch onto. The story is about two rival magicians who attempt to figure out how the other does his tricks and tries to sabotage the other. Oh My Gosh, I can't say enough. Normally I try to only go to the show when the movies are part of the 5 Buck Club but this one I payed full price for ($8.50) and it was well worth it. I would love to have email discussions about it if anyone is interested.

Thanks for your loyalty to the blog and not giving up on me. I will try to not give up on myself again in the future--hopefully this "funk" I've been experiencing is going to be but a memory soon.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


My time at the 5K today was a little slower than the TOP OF THE HILL(47:53). Today my finish time was (49.25). I know that it didn't vary by much but I am still bummed. Not so much about my time as much as not finding out until 10 minutes before the race the my "pre" registration bib(# sheet I have pinned to me) was not intended for competition. Unfortunately the one sent to me was intended for "fun" instead. By the time it was brought to my attention by a member of the WVRR's I was afraid to try and make the switch for fear of missing the start of the race. Next time I will know better.

It actually worked out. Had I been part of the competitive group I think I would have felt defeated the entire time--I probably would have given up. There is no way that I would have been able to stay w/ the competitive pack. I am proud to say that I came in in the top half of the "fun" pack. There were people who were younger and fitter that came in way after me.

Coming across the finish line was really exciting! It actually seemed like a spiritual event. As I crossed the finish line I thought of all my loved ones who have gone ahead of me to Heaven who are cheering me on. One day I will come across the finish line of life being cheered on....Grannie Whistle will be there whistling with her pinky fingers and Paw Paw will be grinning ear to ear w/ that little chuckle of his. The race was on the SMW campus. A portion of the race route took us past the cemetary where the nuns have been buried. This brought me to tears b/c I began to think of Sister Irene Cruz--she was a gentle giant that was a gift to me during my teenage years. She was so petite and delicate but mighty in faith. She'll be there too with her arms open wide.

Today my cheerleaders were my folks, my Aunt Eva & Uncle Bob, and my best friend Jen. Jen even ran the last little way with me! We all had such a great time. In fact, my mom acquired a new guitar thru an auction.

The Ford Motor Company provided the most beautiful scarves as freebies. They were pink with really cool designs in mauve. It was soooo cold that Donnie Bill (my dad) wore one around his neck. I sure hope that mom got a picture of it. The wooly manly man had pink on and seemed to be proud of it.

Panera Bread gave out bagels in the shape of the pink breast cancer ribbon (cherry vanilla flavored). We decided to go there for lunch afterward. It was awesome. baked potato soup w/ a salad. The soup hit the spot b/c I was chilled to the bone.

All of these little event are preparing me for what I need to know and do when the Mini comes around. I can guarantee you that I will have the correct bib from now on.

Friday, October 13, 2006


The folks arrived from FL today. They brought Tobey with them--the miniature schnauzzer I got for them about four Christmases ago. Oh my goodness! He is such a chunk. He is so wide that he looks like a foot stool. Poor baby! I have told him that he is going to be an Indiana dog from now on--I will get him slenderized again.

Tomorrow is the Susan Komen Race for the Cure--my first official competitive race. I am going to have my own little cheering section. Woohoo! Hopefully they will be patient enough to wait for me b/c I am sure I will be toward the back of the pack.

So far my strategy is on track. My protein shake is in the fridge--I'm not real into sweets first thing in the morning so I don't know how I will like the double chocolate high protein concoction. All of my layers of clothes are set out. Didn't have a problem finding my gloves and ear covers. Setting alarm clock so I can do a mile warm up before leaving. Heading to bed early! Nite Nite!

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Tonight Kim and I took off for a walk. I knew it was a little chilly but we intended to go the entire 5 miles again. I was afraid I would be sweating w/in a short time so I decided to wear a long sleeved tee w/ a fleece vest. Although we were trucking along it kept getting colder. The boulevard seemed to be covered in shade--what's up with that? Where was that shade when it was 110 degrees this summer?

We walked to Deming Park. Rather than walking a mile thru the park we decided to walk up and down the steep hill that the kids sled down in the winter. Maybe I will have that kick a$$ butt and legs sooner than the two years.

Hopefully I have talked Kim into joining TNT w/ me and walking the Mini w/ me. The other day I started thinking that 13.5 miles could be really boring if I don't have anyone to walk w/ (not counting the other 34,000 people that will be there of course).

I am absolutely chilled to the bone! It is too soon to turn the heat on but a hot bubble bath would certainly be in order!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Woohoo! Thanks to my wondermous friend Jen I was able to finally get a pic posted. It is not a current one but it will do.

This weekend the folks will be here for the Komen race so I will be sure to have them bring their digital camera.

Unfortunately I have not been going to the gym for my workouts as the Terre Haute Family Y has some very questionable billing practices. This week I will be joining the fitness center at the hospital so I am really excited about getting back in the groove. The only real bonus at the Y was the pool. Once my morning swim was over I would leave w/ wet hair--with winter coming up on us it is no longer a necessity.

The cool thing about the fitness center at the hospital is that I can get 4 sessions with a trainer for FREE; whereas, I had to pay a $15.00 fee just to get oriented with the machines at the Y. I really think this time with a personal trainer will get me over this hump of not knowing where to go or what to do next.

Last night I spoke w/ the gentleman who offers TRAINED IN TERRE HAUTE. It is a program that starts up in January and trains over 300 people for the Indpls Mini Marathon in May. I am so stoked! I wish I didn't have to wait until January.

For now I will continue to do lunges down the sidewalk, calf lifts off the porch, and resistance w/ my big red rubber band thingee with handles.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Today was an awesome day. I packed up my little backpack, laced my shoes, and grabbed Kim to go for a walk. The air was crisp and the leaves were gorgeous.

Normally I take off at a pretty good clip and usually end up in a little pain. Today, I decided to take it easy--no stop watch watching today. Eventually as we continued and my body warmed up I was able to walk much more briskly. We both felt great by the time we got back.

This evening, once Nat got home from a friend's house, we drove the path we took to see how far we walked....I was thinking probably 3 miles tops.....we walked 5.1 miles! I never would have guessed three months ago that I would so enjoy this--even look forward to it.

Saturday, October 07, 2006


I am soooo excited. They will be here for my next race--the Komen Race at SMW for Breast Cancer. Initially I had signed up for that race at just a participation level; however, after participating in the Top of the Hill last weekend I decided to change it to competitive.

Today's workout was somewhat miserable. It was definitely a day where I had to force myself to go. The temps had been extremely cool for the last couple of days. Welp, that ended today. I hit the Indiana trail today with long sleeves and just about suffocated. There was not much shade--my face and nose got pretty burned. My face is still radiating heat as I speak.

The other day I decided to do a search on BLOGGER of the words Indianapolis Mini Marathon and came up w/ tons of interesting folks. It is amazing how cool some of the Blogger blogs are. Hopefully my own blog will become "cooler" as soon as I figure it out. Tomorrow I may need to spend some time with some friends who can point me in the right direction.

SS, we are looking forward to throwing our arms in the air and yelling, "CANDY!!!"