Monday, August 21, 2006


Nat starts his first day of high school tomorrow. We are both a little apprehensive, although I will be quicker to admit it than he will.

Last week at freshman parent orientation I volunteered to be a "Locker Parent" for the first day--you would have thought his world was coming to an end. I reassured him that in a school of 2000 kids it was highly unlikely that they would station me right outside of his locker.

My walk tonight was most enjoyable. The temps have come down considerably--it was actually a little on the cool side. I can hardly wait for Fall to be here in full swing. A friend told me that the Heritage Trail is breath-taking when the trees are changing colors.

I think from here on out I am going to carry my digital camera w/ me on the trail so I can snap photos for everyone. A couple of weeks ago, while we were walking in the early morning, we came across two deer just off the trail--it was such an awesome sight. We all just kinda stared each other down.

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