Thursday, September 07, 2006


I have pretty much been at a stand still for the last week or so. It has been so frustrating.

I have cut out all the junk and have been eating acceptable quantities of nutritional foods--I cannot imagine eating much less.

I fully anticipated gaining weight when I added weight training; however, I was under the impression it would drop off quickly as long as I continued to be consistent. One week is probably not a reasonable amount of time to allow to pass but you all know how impatient I am!

Tonight I kicked the resistance up a notch on the eliptical machine--next week I will kick up the time spent on it. Next week my goal is to absolutely go to the gym every morning and walk the track at Nat's school while he is conditioning.

My first practice walk is the morning of the 23rd--it is a fundraiser for the American Heart Assoc. I am gladly accepting any donations that you all may wish to contribute. Checks can be made out to the American Heart Assoc--I must have them by Sept 20th at the latest. Fortunately the contributions are not dependent upon my performance.

The other day when Nat and I were checking in at the gym the gal w/ the kick a$$ legs walked by. When I looked up I thought she was going to say "hi", remembering me from last week. She said "hi" alright...she said, "Hi Nathaniel". Turns out she was one of his middle school teachers. When I told him that she had the legs I wanted he said, "yeah, she has a hot body but she's mean!" Obviously, not one of his favorite teachers.

Thanks for listening to my whining!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are doing great. Don't get discouraged. Try to alter you diet a little be eliminating white flour & sugar. My Dr suggested that to me & South Beach diet does that too. Make sure to eat 5 servings of veggies &/or fruits daily. Good luck.
Love ya, Aunt Jackie