Wednesday, December 27, 2006


This evening I was talking with my friend Laura and she asked if I had seen my name on the official TNT roster.....if you go to and click on the TNT button in the upper right hand corner you can go to a link that has the roster for the TNT participants. It should say something like "2007 List"--click on it and you can find me in the alphabetical list!!!!!! How cool is that!

I wish I could have a link setup thru this blog but I haven't figured it out yet. Actually I may be searching for a new blog format for 2007--blogspot is not very idiot friendly.

I am sooooo ready for the days to start getting longer! It really stinks to have so much darkness so soon after I get off work.

Dates to look forward to:

Jan 1-7 Back to TH Family Y as they are offering FREE membership for the first week of January.

Jan 9th pickup TNT packet--lotsa goodies inside!

Jan 26th TNT first official training time together

Between now and Jan 1st I am going to begin reducing calorie intake. However, New Years Eve will be an exception due to possible alcohol consumption. After Jan 1st I will basically be doing no carb until I can get sugar out of my system. Lotsa water! Lotsa lettuce & cabbage!

Gotta run! I missed a training dvd at work a couple of weeks ago and I MUST watch it tonight--everything you could possibly ever want to know about PANDEMIC FLU & BIRD FLU! I bet that it got a thumbs up from Roper & Ebert.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's cool to see your name listed!

Good luck with your training in this New Year!
Love ya,
Aunt Sparkie