Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Something is trying to keep me from participating in TNT and the Mini. A week ago I jammed my toe into a new shade of violet and last night I wrenched my back trying to keep my nephew out of mischief. Trying to hold him, dig my Mini registration forms out of my purse and trying to hold him at an angle to which he wouldn't kick out the glass display counter wasn't a great combination.

When I turned back to the manager to answer her question a sharp pain shot from my left hip to my heal. The rest of the night was excrutiating. Getting in and out of the car was absolute torture. Fortunately, I was able to find enough relief from Aleve to get some sleep.

Trying to get in and out of the shower and dressed this morning was almost comical. I had to actually lay my panties and pants on the floor and step into them. Then I had to lift my right leg as high as I could until I could grab ahold of my pants and pull them on.

The rest of the day was spent sitting with a heating pad and making as many phone calls as possible so I wouldn't have to get out of my seat very often. By the end of the day I seemed a little more nimble. Getting in and out of the car still sucks. Walking is tolerable w/ occassional shooting pains. Fortunately there are no warning signs--if I anticipated them they would be more painful.

I am such an all or nothing kind of person. My biggest fear has been all along that if I don't accomplish this race in the manner in which I perceive it should go that I would just give up. Tonight I was talking to a friend about this "all or nothing" mind set--unfortunately, we do not think there is any type of meds that will help me to live in the non-polar shades of life. My friend Jen and I have decided that we are not all about the shades of gray that the world speaks of. Instead, we have decided to call it "shades of blush and bashful"--it sounds so much more glam.

Tommorow I am going to try and get some laps in at the shopping center during lunch. I am afraid if I favor this injury it will cost more damage in the long run. Maybe this injury is a blessing. I have made no movement for weeks with no intention of doing so until after the first of the year. Now this will at least get me striving toward mobility.

Please keep me in your prayers--emotional stress and now physical stress are really wearing me down.


Anonymous said...


Take it easy and slowly. You will get through this. I have faith in you.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't know about your pain till now but I'll be praying for you now that I know. Hope it is already better & you are totally mobile again. Love ya, Aunt Jackie