Thursday, March 29, 2007

Neglecting the blog

Sorry my communications are sparse. Basically, all I do is workout, go to job, eat, (possibly walk) and go to bed. By about 8:00p.m. I am absolutely ready to drop into bed. Unfortunately my body only requires about 5 hrs of sleep. Inevitably I am wide awake between 1-2 a.m. (I left a msg w/ my dr's nurse to see if I should come in for this).

Tuesday night I trained w/ the TNT group. It felt pretty tortuous. About 1/2 way into the 5 mile walk I realized that my ankle felt on fire. Dammit! I got a blister on my left ankle. I have been pretty miserable.

Yesterday I took a rest day to recover from the all over body pain from the walk. I went back to the gym today, gung-ho, ready to go. It wasn't nearly the picnic I thought it would be. I was amazed at how "rusty" I was after only one rest day. I managed to make it right at an hour before the rubbing of my blister caused me to abandon my workout. Yeah, I'm a wuss!

Mondays weigh in was a little dramatic b/c it appeared as if I had gained 4 lbs. I was so bummed. I started thinking, "This can't possibly right". The next day I was down 6 lbs from the day before; therefore, I counted it as a 2 lb weight loss.

I better go. My eyes are getting droopy and I need to get in the shower for work. Last night I could not fall asleep until 2:00 a.m.ish.

OBTW, has anyone seen the new Donny Osmond show--America's top Dream Vote? It was on last night. It was actually kind neat. The last lady s/b ashamed of herself. Contestants are pitted against each other in twos to present the crowd with their "dreams" and the audience determines who sets to move on.

The last two ladies were on there b/c they had dead-beat loser children, in their late 20s who would not move out.

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