Thursday, April 26, 2007

So I am really not going insane!

This past week I have not worked out a lick. I have eaten anything that struck my fancy. True to form this has all been followed up by lotsa self berating, "What are you thinking? the Mini is only less than 2 wks away--you have come too far to just give up". When I was mentioning this to my life coach she said this is a phenomenon called "tapering"--I had never heard of it. Lo and behold I came home to an email tip from the Mini:

Taper Madness
By your e-Training Coach Jenny Hadfield
“Taper Madness” is a condition known to runners and it usually hits as we begin to decline our mileage 2-3 weeks before the race. It is a condition induced by less training, race nerves and more time on our hands. It is also a time when we are both excited about the upcoming race but equally nervous about the outcome.

The Madness can strike at any moment and rear its ugly head in a variety of ways. Some of us may shop for unusual things while others may drive our friends and family crazy talking only about the race ahead....

...The madness will strike you and will smile when it happens. You may not know it until you reach finish the race. You may realize it while it is happening. You may begin to question your sanity on the plane or in the car, wonder if you trained enough or should add more to the schedule, or even purchase some crazy item at the Expo thinking you must have this to run! In either case, stay calm, review your preparation and have faith. You are well trained and adding anything to the schedule will only take away from your performance on race day!

The more rested you are, the stronger your race performance will be. As counter-intuitive as this may sound, it really works! So, take the time to rest, eat well and spend a little more time with the folks in your life you’ve ignored due to training. Consider this the official "Chill" time of your training.

Knowing that this is "normal" actually gives me the gumption to get back to the gym in the morning. I was beginning to worry that I might chicken out of the race.

Picked my racing singlet up Tues night at TNT. It is pretty awesome. Maybe I will get pics on here before the race--the folks are coming in town this weekend! Woohoo! Mom knows how to do the digital camera thing. If not, I am planning on carrying a disposable digital camera the day of the race.

A lot has been going on with Nate lately. It has not been pleasant. Trying to remember to do something for myself or putting myself ahead of him has been hard. Please keep us in your prayers. He is very hurt right now and is lashing out any way he can think of. I am trusting God that it'll all be good again in the near future but keeping my sanity during that wait is a whole different story.

Love and Hugs to All!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Eek! 19 days

My time has been so consumed w/ workouts, overtime @ work, and getting to bed early I have pretty much neglected this blog. Just now when I signed on I gasped when I saw 19 days left to the Mini. Breathe, take slow deep breaths.

Not really anything eventful to report. still getting up way too early. Yesterday I had one of my best days ever at the gym. The rest of the day, I was sure, that every workout from here on out was going to be that great. Never wanted to miss another day, another opportunity to push myself, to feel empowered....that is until 3:45 a.m. when my alarm clock went off.

I'm sure you are all gasping, 3:45 A.M., it is the only time I can read and respond to emails and blogs.

Casey, our lab, has the most pitiful look on his face. He has the saddest looking puppy dog eyes. Nate just walked out the door to head for the bus. Casey just sat there, all pathetic, staring at the closed door. Now he is over him--he has decided it is time to go lick the kitchen floor. What is up with that? Why does he do that?

If I am not mistaken, I believe we are getting our racing singlets tonight at TNT. I get all jumpy just thinking about it. I just wanna jump around clapping my hands like a dork.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Ok, Let's Just Say....

Just because it ain't broke doesn't mean that it works right.

The new equipment at the gym is AWESOME! However, the standard tensions on these new machines really gave me the workout. Normally I can stay on the basic level of the old elliptical for 40 minutes. This a.m. I could barely make it 10. Then the level I chose for the recumbent bike was so difficult. I actually had to adjust the tension half way down.

I have come home feeling completely exhausted. I could so take a nap right now. Unfortunately I have a 15 yr old son, a 100 lb dog, and a whiny, one-eyed cat to support.

On your mark, get set, goooo.......

Yesterday morning I entered into the workout facility to find that all the treadmills, ellipticals, and recumbent bikes had been removed for replacement. My workout ended up being a lot of weight machine stuff. Lotsa reps. It was kinda nice b/c it gave the regulars an opportunity to chat. Most days we all just smile or say "Good Morning".

The head trainer assured me that all the equipment would be in place and fully functional this a.m. My first concern was if they had to do their own assembly. Knowing how 'assembly required' goes in our household I was afraid that 'tomorrow' would be September.

Gonna run! I wanna get to the gym exactly when they open so I have an opportunity at one of the new ellipticals. Once the word gets out about the new equipment I am afraid the attendance is going to skyrocket. This year the morning crowd is much larger as it is. I liked it in the 'good ole days' when there was only about 8 of us there.

If you are in the Midwest, keep ahold of your hats and skirt hems, it is a bit windy! May the wind be at your back today!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Weekly Goal: 10 mile distance walk

The temps have been so excruciatingly cold this weekend. I tried a couple of times to go out to jog around the neighborhood; however, each time I opened the front door I would retreat back to the comfort of my love seat and book.

Last week when I did the 8 mile walk my hamstrings were killing me when I stopped. They were actually shaky for about an hour afterwards. This week at the gym I began doing some machine work that will help to strengthen my hamstrings, as well as, some shoulder work that will help strengthen my posture. Woohoo! the Mini is a little less that 4 wks away.

My goal for this week is to complete a 10 mile distance walk. The temps are supposed to be climbing back to the mid to upper fifties. I can deal with that.

Lessons learned from the 8 mile: strengthen hammies, take 2 bottles of h20, take sport beans, be sure to have restroom accessibility, and leave the belly aching boy at home!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Quick update....

Missed my regular weigh in day of Monday as I stayed home with Nate for Spring Brk. My scales are at work so I didn't get to face the music until today. The scales say I am down a pound. Would have been more thrilled to meet my 3 lb goal but it is the TOM so I guess I will just be grateful for a loss of any kind.

My feet have been giving me fits ever since Sunday. Monday and Tuesday the muscle, tendon, ligament, whatever it is under my right heel felt like it had become detached from my heel bone. All day today my toes have been aching. Needless to say Mon & Tues were rest days.

We were supposed to go to Indpls yesterday to meet with Nate's step mom, Diane for lunch. Unfortunately, as we were walking out the door to leave he sky turned black. I told him that we should wait a little bit for the storm to pass. Instead the sky turned green and got windy. We were none to pleased that we were unable to go. By the time it seemed clear enough to go it was after 3pm and I didn't want to make such a late start. Hopefully, we can reschedule with her in the near future.

The Mini is exactly a month from today....I am going to do this. I am not weak, I AM strong.

Back to the gym in the morning--the weather has gone back to being frigid. I no like to workout in the cold.

Hugs to all!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Beat, Burnt, Sore, Throbbing, Dehydrated....

This morning I woke up early full of energy. Made a trip to Starbucks for a sugar-free Cinnamon Dulce Latte & a Trib Star. Did some house cleaning, Janet Evanovich reading (just started book 10), showered and headed to the Trail.

A gal I work with suspected the route I was taking was approximately 6 miles. My calculations, due to my times, say that it was more like 8 miles. We parked at Fruitridge and headed east. When we got to the trails end in Seeleyville we rested on a bench for about 5 minutes and turned around and went back.

About mile four I really needed to potty. I kept telling myself, "RHIT stadium is no that far away." Not that I had any other options b/c there aren't any. In an attempt to get to the stadium quicker I jogged. Jogging only made it worse with a full bladder so I walked as fast as I could. Unfortunately, the stadium restrooms were not open.

I was so completely miserable. Poor Nate, I am on my period and my head started spinning around. We just went back to the car. Unfortunately, I had shared my only bottle of h2o with him so I began to get dehydrated about 3/4 of the way to the finish. (My head is still throbbing).

My lily white skin now has a slight blush to it, my legs and glutes are sore.

It occurred to me today that I will be in full blown Time of the Month(TOM) when the Mini takes place. Aack!

"Honest Mr Mini Race Official, I haven't been taking performance enhancing drugs, just an entire bottle of Midol!"