Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I am fully convinced, upon reading MARLEY & ME that I am actually descended from Labrador Retrievers. The descriptions that the author gives fit Casey and I both to a tee--I shed far less though.

Workouts suck! True to form I am always too hard on myself. When I was at the Y I could stay for an hour and a half to two hours each time I went. Now I am barely doing a little over an hour. My workouts at the Y did not consist of using free weights--mostly machines. By the time I get done with the free weights I am absolutely exhausted and shaky. Although I did more cardio at the Y I was not pushing myself to the point of exhaustion like I am now. In my mind I can make the new work out better than the old but I don't know that for a fact.

Workouts aren't as enjoyable as they used to be. Unfortunately the fc does not have any recumbant bikes--that was the time I could get a cardio workout and read my books at the same time. Today it finally occurred to me that this lack of enjoyment could work for me. I am sure that the entire Mini is not going to be a piece of cake. I have been forced to 'self talk' my way thru the pain and discomfort. This is a skill, so to speak, that I will need during the race.

As if I don't have enough time in my day for workouts and my reading I have started to crochet again. Kim taught me a new pattern that I am currently using to make a baby blanket for a friend at work. My crocheting has actually helped me to improve on my chopstick skills of all things. I decided to give sushi a try the other evening. I thought it would be a healthy choice--I no like the seaweed paper stuff! Aack! If it weren't for that I would have loved it.

Checking in at the Road Runner website the other day I found out that there is a race this Saturday--I am going to do the one mile fun walk/run as the course consists of many grades b/c it is on dirt paths going thru Hawthorne Park. My intention is to use it as a means by which to train--not going for competition just looking for some variety. Just like adhd labradors I need lots of variety!

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