Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Tonight was the sign up for the Mini, finally! I have been counting down this day for months. It has gotten me all fired up again. As if that in itself wasn't awesome enough I just realized today that the Jingle Bell Race is this weekend. Friday evening there is this race thru downtown.

The shops downtown stay open late and have all kinds of neat activities and displays going on. It is really artsy--almost like a big city Soho, Broad Ripple, Bloomington, type of celebration.

I had heard of a bonus availablle to TNT members which is very exciting but I hadn't said anything b/c I was afraid to jinx it. Apparently TNT mbrs get free Y memberships for the 4 mths duration of training. Woohoo! I can go back to the gym I like most and not have to give them a dime.

I am so psyched! I could almost take off for a run right now but I am afraid I wouldn't make it far before I collapsed from exhaustion. The last couple of days have been very stressful--last night I literally did not get one ounce of sleep. My body wanted to come home and keel over right after work but there was NO WAY I was going to miss the Mini sign up. Now that that is out of the way my body is running down quickly.

Nite Nite All! Thank you for your love and prayers. Nat and I will make it thru this w/ your support. We are so grateful for each and every one of you and the special talents and words that God has given you. The book suggestion and soap opera suggestion are being taken under serious consideration. I will be sure to give thanks to all of you in the credits. Love Yas!

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