Sunday, April 01, 2007

Beat, Burnt, Sore, Throbbing, Dehydrated....

This morning I woke up early full of energy. Made a trip to Starbucks for a sugar-free Cinnamon Dulce Latte & a Trib Star. Did some house cleaning, Janet Evanovich reading (just started book 10), showered and headed to the Trail.

A gal I work with suspected the route I was taking was approximately 6 miles. My calculations, due to my times, say that it was more like 8 miles. We parked at Fruitridge and headed east. When we got to the trails end in Seeleyville we rested on a bench for about 5 minutes and turned around and went back.

About mile four I really needed to potty. I kept telling myself, "RHIT stadium is no that far away." Not that I had any other options b/c there aren't any. In an attempt to get to the stadium quicker I jogged. Jogging only made it worse with a full bladder so I walked as fast as I could. Unfortunately, the stadium restrooms were not open.

I was so completely miserable. Poor Nate, I am on my period and my head started spinning around. We just went back to the car. Unfortunately, I had shared my only bottle of h2o with him so I began to get dehydrated about 3/4 of the way to the finish. (My head is still throbbing).

My lily white skin now has a slight blush to it, my legs and glutes are sore.

It occurred to me today that I will be in full blown Time of the Month(TOM) when the Mini takes place. Aack!

"Honest Mr Mini Race Official, I haven't been taking performance enhancing drugs, just an entire bottle of Midol!"

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