Thursday, April 12, 2007

On your mark, get set, goooo.......

Yesterday morning I entered into the workout facility to find that all the treadmills, ellipticals, and recumbent bikes had been removed for replacement. My workout ended up being a lot of weight machine stuff. Lotsa reps. It was kinda nice b/c it gave the regulars an opportunity to chat. Most days we all just smile or say "Good Morning".

The head trainer assured me that all the equipment would be in place and fully functional this a.m. My first concern was if they had to do their own assembly. Knowing how 'assembly required' goes in our household I was afraid that 'tomorrow' would be September.

Gonna run! I wanna get to the gym exactly when they open so I have an opportunity at one of the new ellipticals. Once the word gets out about the new equipment I am afraid the attendance is going to skyrocket. This year the morning crowd is much larger as it is. I liked it in the 'good ole days' when there was only about 8 of us there.

If you are in the Midwest, keep ahold of your hats and skirt hems, it is a bit windy! May the wind be at your back today!

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