Saturday, October 07, 2006


I am soooo excited. They will be here for my next race--the Komen Race at SMW for Breast Cancer. Initially I had signed up for that race at just a participation level; however, after participating in the Top of the Hill last weekend I decided to change it to competitive.

Today's workout was somewhat miserable. It was definitely a day where I had to force myself to go. The temps had been extremely cool for the last couple of days. Welp, that ended today. I hit the Indiana trail today with long sleeves and just about suffocated. There was not much shade--my face and nose got pretty burned. My face is still radiating heat as I speak.

The other day I decided to do a search on BLOGGER of the words Indianapolis Mini Marathon and came up w/ tons of interesting folks. It is amazing how cool some of the Blogger blogs are. Hopefully my own blog will become "cooler" as soon as I figure it out. Tomorrow I may need to spend some time with some friends who can point me in the right direction.

SS, we are looking forward to throwing our arms in the air and yelling, "CANDY!!!"

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