Sunday, October 08, 2006


Today was an awesome day. I packed up my little backpack, laced my shoes, and grabbed Kim to go for a walk. The air was crisp and the leaves were gorgeous.

Normally I take off at a pretty good clip and usually end up in a little pain. Today, I decided to take it easy--no stop watch watching today. Eventually as we continued and my body warmed up I was able to walk much more briskly. We both felt great by the time we got back.

This evening, once Nat got home from a friend's house, we drove the path we took to see how far we walked....I was thinking probably 3 miles tops.....we walked 5.1 miles! I never would have guessed three months ago that I would so enjoy this--even look forward to it.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Good for you! I am so proud of you. I'm doing the 1 mile at the Race for the Cure, and I'll cheer you on for the 5K!

Love ya!