Saturday, November 04, 2006


Nat is staying w/ his dad this weekend so it's just me and the animals. The teen years have been taking a toll on me here lately so it is a much needed weekend apart.

This morning I met Jen at the fitness center to go thru my new day two routine and lots of cardio and abs. My biceps are so painful--I think he has me using a little too much weight or maybe I'm just a big whiny baby. I spent an hour and twenty minutes at the fc. My plan was to work on my 5 mile time today so I decided to jump right into it. If I had gone home and kicked my feet up I would have never made it back out.

Since I wanted to work on getting my time down I needed to walk somewhere that I knew was exactly a mile--I decided on Deming. My first mile time was horrendous-- Jen had let me borrow her mp3 player and I couldn't seem to get the damn thing to work. Eventually 3/4 of a mile in I got it going. When I hit the 1 mile mark my stop watch said 18:43--ugh! The tunes really helped me to kick it up a notch. I was cracking up b/c the first song to play was FAT BOTTOM GIRLS MAKE THE ROCKIN WORLD GO ROUND. Mile two was much better it was 15:30. Unfortunately, my h2o consumption brougt me back to the car early. There was no way I was going to duck into the bathrooms the park provides.

This afternoon I started reading a book called MARLEY AND ME by John Grogan. It is a non-fiction book about the author's life w/ a neurotic yellow lab. With my neurotic yellow lab by my side I have been cracking up all day. Apparently Casey is normal when it comes to his breed.

Today has been an all around wonderful day. I think the only thing that could top it is if I was a size 6 in the arms of my 6'4 bald man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shauna, I'm so glad to see you are back to writing your blog. I was missing your entries. Also, glad you are back to training for your mini. I'm hoping to start back to the gym after our trip to Branson. We'll get home around Nov 18th. Keep up the good work. I want you to maintain good health. Love ya, Aunt Jackie