Monday, October 30, 2006


Tonight I spent about an hour in the new fitness facility at the hospital--I haven't met with the trainer yet for my personalized workout regime so I am pretty much doing cardio on the eliptcial and the treadmill. The eliptical was a piece of cake but the treadmill kicked my behind! I decided to do sprints on the treadmill--run for a minute, walk casual for two minutes to cool down. That little excercise really got my heart rate up.

The fitness center is located on the fifth floor of a tall bldg. It is really cool b/c all the machines face a huge wall of windows toward campus and downtown. There is a great bird's eye view. Tonight, as the sun set, the cloud formations were spectacular. (when I was doing the sprints I kept thinking I was going to vault myself out over the city)

Getting back in the swing of a gym workout is a success; however, the greatest success for me today was going thru the Burger King drive up for Nat's dinner and not ordering a Mushroom and Swiss Angus Burger. Normally BK is my least favorite place to go but that sandwich looked awesome! Instead a settled for the "close second" choice--cottage cheese and a tomato, woohoo!!!

When we got home tonight the neighborhood was full of little "beggers". This year I chose a few different options for our trick or treaters. Little containers of Play Doh, Twizzlers, Jolly Ranchers, some kind of super sour gummie things (my mouth is puckering just typing about them), and hot chocolate packets.

Tim just called and said that they will be bringing Max over tomorrow night. I can't wait to see what the little stinker butt dresses up as. His favorite shows are Thomas the Train, Handy Manny, and Buzz Lightyear. I better get the batteries charged for the digital camera.


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