Monday, December 04, 2006


This past Friday the temps were absolutely freezing, literally, so I decided against participating in the Jingle Bell. When I went to the bank at lunch time I almost bit the dust b/c I hit a slick spot in the parking lot. At the time I thought it would be best to be cautious--I don't want to have to recover from a broken bone and miss out on the TNT training.

Instead of doing the Jingle Bell me, Nat, Monica (his girlfriend), and Max(my nephew) headed to the mall for some Christmas shopping. Trying to keep up w/ Max was a workout in itself. I was accused of being a grandparent for the first time. When I was trying to buy a big CARS puzzle for Max the sales dude said, "Let me put it in this so your grandson will not see it thru the bag". Initially I was a little offended. People constantly guess my age as late 20's early 30's--I realized it had been a while since I had colored my hair so I made a mental note to get that done asap.

When I left the shop, caught up to Nat, Monica, and Max, I told the kids what he had said. They were mortified b/c they had been standing outside the shop w/ Max in the stroller and they think that the sales dude thought Max was their kid! LOL From that point forward I had to push the stroller--they were so afraid someone from school would see them and think Max was theirs.

So much for skipping the Jingle Bell in an attempt to be cautious. I think I broke a toe this a.m. when I was going downstairs to get my work clothes. I cannot even explain how it happened! It was the most bizarre thing. Somehow I had a toe tucked under and then managed to slip on fleece blanket Nat had thrown down to the laundry and stubbed it but good. By the end of the day I could hardly walk around the ofc. When I got home and took off my stocking I just about passed out--it is SO purple.

Yesterday I actually put the Christmas tree up! For those of you who really know me you know what an amazing gesture that is. So far I have not put andy lights or ornaments on it--I want to see how Ivey Katapookis acts around it. She has not tried to climb it (as far as I can tell). But she has stood up on her back paws to stretch up toward the top of the trunk of the tree. Kim's cat chewed thru the lights on her expensive pre-lit tree two years ago. I am so afraid Ivey will do the same with my cheap un-pre-lit tree.

If she can obstain from climbing or chewing I will attempt to put lights on in a couple of days. I can't wait to get the lights put up--I absolutely love sitting in the dark watching the twinklee lights! It is so relaxing!

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