Sunday, April 08, 2007

Weekly Goal: 10 mile distance walk

The temps have been so excruciatingly cold this weekend. I tried a couple of times to go out to jog around the neighborhood; however, each time I opened the front door I would retreat back to the comfort of my love seat and book.

Last week when I did the 8 mile walk my hamstrings were killing me when I stopped. They were actually shaky for about an hour afterwards. This week at the gym I began doing some machine work that will help to strengthen my hamstrings, as well as, some shoulder work that will help strengthen my posture. Woohoo! the Mini is a little less that 4 wks away.

My goal for this week is to complete a 10 mile distance walk. The temps are supposed to be climbing back to the mid to upper fifties. I can deal with that.

Lessons learned from the 8 mile: strengthen hammies, take 2 bottles of h20, take sport beans, be sure to have restroom accessibility, and leave the belly aching boy at home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope warm weather returns soon. Keep up the good work!
Love, Aunt Sparkie