Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Woohoo! Thanks to my wondermous friend Jen I was able to finally get a pic posted. It is not a current one but it will do.

This weekend the folks will be here for the Komen race so I will be sure to have them bring their digital camera.

Unfortunately I have not been going to the gym for my workouts as the Terre Haute Family Y has some very questionable billing practices. This week I will be joining the fitness center at the hospital so I am really excited about getting back in the groove. The only real bonus at the Y was the pool. Once my morning swim was over I would leave w/ wet hair--with winter coming up on us it is no longer a necessity.

The cool thing about the fitness center at the hospital is that I can get 4 sessions with a trainer for FREE; whereas, I had to pay a $15.00 fee just to get oriented with the machines at the Y. I really think this time with a personal trainer will get me over this hump of not knowing where to go or what to do next.

Last night I spoke w/ the gentleman who offers TRAINED IN TERRE HAUTE. It is a program that starts up in January and trains over 300 people for the Indpls Mini Marathon in May. I am so stoked! I wish I didn't have to wait until January.

For now I will continue to do lunges down the sidewalk, calf lifts off the porch, and resistance w/ my big red rubber band thingee with handles.

1 comment:

Jen said...

And what a slim pic it is! Keep working out in those shades of blush and bashful!

Love Ya!