Sunday, March 25, 2007


Anticipating another early morning workout I went to be about 8:00 last night. Lo and behold, I am wide awake at 1:00a.m. Instead of just rolling over and trying to go back to sleep I decided to check email/blogs.

Right now I am very uncomfortable because I cannot find the darn Tums! I have a brand new bottle somewhere. I am beginning to wonder if I didn't take them to work and put them in my desk.

Tomorrow is my official weigh in day so I chose to eat a can of peas w/ a little butter last night for dinner. That probably sounds like a pretty noble attempt to eat light before a weigh in, actually, it was out of sheer laziness. I didn't want to have to make something more complicated.

During my Friday morning workout I strained my back on a piece of equipment. Saturday I had set a goal of walking 10 miles. Unfortunately, I didn't make it quite that far. By about mile 3 I was in quite a bit of pain. By the time it was all said and done I walked about 4.5 miles. Yesterday, I did nothing. I decided to have a rest day. I would be so completely bummed if I was injured when the weekend of the Mini came.

Yesterday was such a glorious day. I got in a huge amount of "light therapy"--most of the day was spent in my Adirondack chair reading another Janet Evanovich story. I finished book 7 of the Stephanie Plum series and began book 8. Right before bed last night I was looking in the mirror. I have a one-sided tan. Being on the porch, the sun really beat down on the left side of my body. The right side is still fairly pale. I guess I will just have to even it out next weekend.

I guess I'd better try going back to bed for a little bit. The alarm clock will be going off at 4:30a.m.

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