Tuesday, February 20, 2007

+++fat tuesday+++

In the back of my mind, for the last week or so, I have been contemplating the Lenten season. Although I found some success last year with my nutrition, physical activity, discipline, and consistency it was all limited to my own strength and ability. If I am to find extreme success with long lasting effects it can only be through the power of God.

It is shameful the amount of growth in spirituality that I have been negligent with. Unfortunately, I have allowed my own hurt and disappointment in mortal man to distance me from my Lord. All things spiritual, my Bible, my church attendance, and my devotional time have been a source of contempt for me the last couple of years. And those of you close enough to me can see how the absence of all of these things have been playing out in my life.

Fortunately, of all things, I was listening to Bob & Tom on the radio this morning on my way to work. It was actually one of the djs that brought up the fact that this is Fat Tuesday. I would have missed it if it hadn't been for that dj. Knowing how much of an 'all or nothing' person I am this could have been disastrous. If I had discovered it Lent had already begun, even a day or two into it, I would have been defeated--rather than attempting to give God my sacrifice for the remaining days.

There are three issues that I want to address during this Lenten season:

*A sacrifice of sugars, sweets, desserts (I could literally eat cake and ice cream every meal for the rest of my life).
*Allow God to increase in my devotional time.
*Allow God to increase in my time of exercise.

All of that is easy to write down until I take the flip side of those issues into consideration. All of them require me to die to self. My self that is entirely self-centered.

You will have to bear with me--this blog will turn into my revelations of Lent.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I'm so proud of you! You continue to make positive changes, physically and spiritually. Keep pluggin' on!