Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thank God Tomorrow is Friday...

It has been kind of a stressful, crazy week at work. I am so looking forward to going to the movies with Nate. We were supposed to go see the new Nick Cage movie, GHOSTRIDER, last weekend; however, our near blizzard conditions kept us home bound. We have really been looking forward to it. Bummed does not even begin to describe how disappointed we were last weekend--we wanted to be there for the new release so badly.

There is nothing like popcorn for dinner. Sweets are not going to be a temptation at the movie theater as I am entirely too cheap to purchase the much overpriced, almost criminal, candy they sell there. Normally, I will go buy it at the dollar store and sneak it in.

When Nate was just a little tyke we went to the "fueter" to see FLUBBER. I stopped by the dollar store on the way there to pick up a few of our favorite treats (Gummier Bears & Junior Mints). When we got back in the car, with the sweetest innocence of a child, Nate asked me, "Mom will the fueter police arrest us?"--apparently my previous warning about not piping up in front of the ticket guy about our hidden treasures caused him some distress. Needless to say I did not sneak any sweet treats that day.

Eating sugary sweets has not really been an issue today. I am very mindful of my commitment when planning meals. I had a sugar-free Dulce/Cinnamon latte and a egg, ham, & cheese bagel from Starbucks for lunch. That was a little enticing as we went inside to place our orders instead of the drive thru. It seemed like every time I turned away from a sweet treat I was faced with another one.

Totally out of boredom and habit I started to head toward a candy jar in the office that I usually visit between 2:00 and 3:00 in the afternoon. I did it so absently that when I "came to" it kind of scared me. I don't want to screw up because of distraction or my mind being a hundred miles away when I happen to be standing by a treat jar. It really caused me to wonder how many times this must happen and I am never even aware of it.

Tonight, while shopping for birthday treats for a co-worker, I discovered that they now have Sugar-Free PEEPS. I was pretty excited about it and purchased a couple--one for me and one for Jen. Although they are sugar-free I am going to hang on to them--it just didn't seem right to partake of candy during this time. The packaging says it contains Splenda.

Last week when I was sharing with Kimberly (remember my little neighbor girl who likes to do squats and lunges with me around the neighborhood) my winter blues issues she gave me a solution to my woes. Her mom is an RN. When Kim's elderly grandfather gets winter blues her mom takes him to a tanning bed for some light therapy. Apparently it is very common for older folks to go to tanning salons to get a pick me up. I am not a big fan of tanning; however, I'm thinking if I go for brief amounts of time and sparingly I may get the desired effects from it. At this point I am willing to give it a try.

Worked out this evening. I really had to give myself a kick in the pants to get out the door. It was all the more rewarding when I got there and accomplished my objective. The Y really needs some new equipment--I couldn't believe the amount of squeaking and squawking that many of the machines were making. There was one that was particularly annoying. I would think that a little bit of grease or something would do the trick. They have about 10 treadmills and at least 4 of them have 'out of order' signs on them.

There was a fella walking on a treadmill that started screeching like it was taking its dying breath. It startled him so that he just stopped--he almost bit the dust because the conveyor kept moving. Fortunately he regained his balance once he managed to hop onto the side treads.

Nite Nite All!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be careful--Sugar free usually equals sugar alcohol, which usually means gas intestinal upset.

Sometimes the sugared stuff doesn't sound so bad once you've had the upset from the sugar alcohol.