Monday, February 12, 2007


These last couple of months have kind of been the pits. I just can't get motivated to do anything! It has really been freaking me out b/c there really isn't that much more time until the Mini. Finally, I figured out what my deal is...the winter blues. I was watching my favorite little weatherman the other day and he brought up the winter blues. It was a light bulb moment. Every winter this happens to me! How could I forget?

Since the winter has been unseasonably warm this year my body is all out of whack. Normally, I am on the upswing by now. Just as soon as the temps are slightly bearable I begin spending time outside in the direct sunlight. It does wonders for me. Right now it is so completely frigid. We are supposed to be having a snow/ice storm tonight. Our wonderful school corporation has already called a 2 hr delay.

Fun Mini Facts: My friend Laura, in an attempt to get me excited about the Mini again, told me that there is all kinds of entertainment that takes place during the 13.1 mile trek. She had told me that are bands that perform all along the route. Last night I actually got an email from the 500 Festival that said that there are going to be approximately 140 bands performing.

Laura said that there is one corner that you turn that comes out in front of a biker bar. The bikers are lined up w/ their Harleys in their leathers and passing out cups of beer for all of the runners. How fun is that! I don't know that I will take advantage of it--I suppose it will just depend on the mile marker that they are located on. If they happen to be on the 13 mile marker you may see me come across the finish line "double fisted".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. Surely winter is "mostly" over by now. That's really cool you will have musical entertainment along the mini route! You could throw them beads! Ha!!