Saturday, May 19, 2007
It is ironic that I happened to stumble upon this book the very same day I spoke with my gp. We had been discussing the Mini, when I mentioned that I didn't finish because I couldn't breathe. He totally went into doctor mode. I just kept rambling about little non sensical things and he was totally in statistician mode.
The book is called HOW DOCTORS THINK by Dr Jerome Groopman.
It is so completely interesting. I am sure that "the sisters" will really enjoy it. Let me know what you think. I just picked it up at the library so I am unable to tell you what it actually sells for.
Enjoy your weekend! I gotta beat feet to a race! Woohoo!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Once I completed the Mini and comitted to becoming a runner girl I knew that major changes had to take place w/ my diet. Although I have made attempts on my own I cannot seem to find much success. Unfortunately, I cannot afford to pay for a weight loss program.
A couple days after the Mini I left a message for one of the trainers to contact me. It was time to become educated on facts--not assumptions, perceptions, or myths.
The trainer that I chose was one that I know to have lost an extreme amount of weight. There was an article in the paper about him several years ago--he is a police officer who had lost over 100 lbs. He has since become formally educated in matters of nutrition and weight loss.
For a brief amount of time last year I switched gyms. Although I really admired the trainer at the second gym I was very self conscious. He was always very polite, and maybe this was my own skewed perception, but I felt uncomfortable w/ someone who obviously hadn't been overweight a day in their life.
Today I received the return phone call from the trainer (who had lost lotsa weight)--I was grateful to be able to be straightforward with him. Grateful that he can relate to where I am. Unfortunately, he is unable to accept any new clients; however, he has offered to review my diet and excercise regiment to see if he can help me to tweak it in the right places.
For the next several weeks I need to keep track of everything that I am eating/drinking and an activity log. Weekly I will place this info in his mailbox and he will make his suggestions. He seemed thrilled to help in this capacity b/c he said there were so many that helped him.
The light at the end of the tunnel seems to be getting brighter.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
A blogging friend of mine shared this link. I had not heard anything about it on the national news. It is so shocking. What on earth could these "adults" be thinking?
When I was a teenager I went through a couple of years with what they would call an anxiety disorder these days. It was not possible for me to go out to dinner w/ my family w/o having a nervous breakdown about "impending doom". I cannot even imagine growing up in today's climate! To think that they have to actually have drill's for "scary person/person w/ a gun" situation.
These teachers s/b punished to the fullest extent. They should have to pay for all future therapy for these children and their parents. As well as, they should be deprived of every bit of sleep that each of these kids and their parents is going to experience in the years to come.
Why do people have to be so thoughtless?
My heart goes out to these poor babies!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Saturday morning I boarded a private bus to make the trek to Indpls at 4:15 a.m. (mind you I had only had 3 hrs of sleep that night--Fri, from 7:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m.).
It was still very dark and the moon was very bright. I took the opportunity to thank God for the changes he had made in my life physically. Although he transformed my spirit and mind 12 yrs ago I had never even been willing to work on my physical well being until Jan 2006.
Entering into the Circle City at that hour was bittersweet. It was like my life had come full circle. (I had moved to Indpls in my late teens, early twenties) During that period of my life I became a person I most certainly didn't love and the shame of those days has haunted me all the days of my life since.
That shame has caused me to self medicate w/ food ever since. I have used my extra weight as a means to keep others at a distance and to avoid participating in life. (OK, as if you hadn't already realized, I HAVE ISSUES! Too much info I am sure! LOL)
Now to the race details. We arrived w/ a little over an hour to get into place. We had about a mile or so to walk to get to the street where we lined up (see pic in previous post).
The starting line is arranged in corrals according to your skill level. The fastest are in the front and the slower taper back farther in line. If you refer to pic in previous post--the corrals are labeled A-Z. My level was "Y", yeah, that's right, next to last. I signed up anticipating finishing the race w/in 3.5 hrs. In the pic I would have been all the way back by the glass walk way over the street.
From the time the crowd started moving (around 7:30 a.m.) until I actually stepped on the starting matt was 38 minutes. The chip that tracks the race did not actually begin counting until I stepped on the matt, thank God. The 38 minutes were a blast. So full of energy and anticipation.
The first hour and a half was very overcast and slightly chilly. They had been forecasting showers. Unfortunately the ideal weather did not last long. It became a beautifally, clear day.
All along the route there are entertainment acts set up to entertain. There was a guy playing bag pipes, country, rock, gospel groups. Ska bands, tap dancing troupes, drum corps, rappers, and tons of cheerleaders. It was a hoot. There were even teen girls dressed in formals with signs reading, "HEY STUD, PROM DATE NEEDED".
Just prior to entering into the Indpls Motor Speedway I stopped under a big shade tree to change my socks and put more Bodyglide on my feet. I was in a lot of pain in my hips and lower back--hello, having a big bottom will do that for ya! LOL
Fortunately, I grabbed a couple of cups of water on the way in b/c they did not want cups on the track. The full sun beating down on the black tar of the track was not pleasant. I definitely lost the slight time gain I had had up to that point. By the time I got to turn 3, just past the official Indy finish line for the motor races, I thought I was either going to pass out and die or spontaneously human combust.
We exited the track just past turn 4--where the racing suites are. I had just hung up my cell phone w/ my mom giving her an update as to my location. Golf carts were making rounds checking on people--the track apparently can be treacherous. A golf cart went by. About 3 minutes later I kept hearing this weird sound. I started kind of spinning around trying to figure out what it was or where it was coming from--it was kinda muffled.
I realized it was ME! I was gasping for air! Something was cutting off my air. I reached out and grabbed a fence next to me and bent over trying to catch my breath. A lady (an angel from Heaven) came out of no where and asked me if I was OK? I couldn't even answer her question. Fortunately she had a walkie talkie and called for help.
The fastest golf cart on the face of the earth took me to an ambulance sitting on the 9 mile marker just around the corner from where she found me. They immediately placed oxygen on me. Yeah, I thought my time had come! Esther, I'm a coming!
I sat in the back of the ambulance on oxygen for about 15 minutes. The EMT's were wonderful. Apparently my "allergies" had caught up to me. I should have taken the meds that my doc prescribed the day before! I had started to take them prior to the race but I was afraid that it was too soon and they would wear off. By the time the race was under way and h20 was available, I was so hot, I was afraid to.
Never in my life have I had that sensation. It was totally freaky! Now I know how my son must feel as he has excercise induced asthma. Who knows, maybe I have had it all my life also--I just never took the time to excercise and find out!
The EMTs were kind enough to allow me to transfer to a 'lag van' rather than show up at the FINISH line in an ambulance. Needless to say this was not my year to complete the MINI. But I WILL be there next year!
When I got to the FINISH line, well after the completion of the race, I had to have the tracking chip cut off my shoe. The gentleman who did so said, "I will get you a ribbon". I told him that I had not actually completed it and he said, "Let me get you a ribbon". So I do actually have a ribbon. I am calling it my sympathy ribbon.
This year has been a time to learn what I am actually capable of. I CAN DO IT! I AM STRONG! I AM HEALED!
Thanks for your encouragement during this journey. I know we haven't been together long but it has meant the world to me. I have truly been blessed by each and everyone of you!
Friday, May 04, 2007
The last several of days have been kinda rough. I have managed to keep myself well for the past year. In my 40 yrs I have never experienced weather related allergies. Yep, you guessed it. Three days before the race my ears are full of fluid, my eyes are watering, my nose fluctuates between congestion and running.
Pretty much I have ignored it b/c there was no way I was going to miss this day. Friday was the worst. I was feeling crummy enough that I started to panic. I called my gp to see what I should do. He has done the Mini before so I knew he would be empathetic. All of my race materials stressed that you should not introduce anything new into your life the week of the race. Be sure to eat and drink the same as how you have been training. I was too paranoid to take anything, over the counter for the first time, the morning of the race.
Fortunately the RX did not make me feel anxious or jittery.
During the last several days I have felt like I had something in my left eye. I have scratched it excessively. The corner of my eye kept feeling like there was a needle poking it. Eventually it became very red. By the end of the day one of the nurses at work had me convinced that I had "pink eye" (highly contagious). I was totally freaking out. I haven't come this far to have something that lame take me down. I could accept it if it was appendisitis or organ donation, for crying out loud. Not Pink Eye!
I was in bed by 7:30 p.m. Friday. Wide awake at 10:30 p.m. It is now an hour and a half before my alarm is going to go off. Fortunately my eye is not showing any signs of oozing or matting.
All is packed in my fannie pack:
Jelly Belly Sport Beans , cell phone, digital camera, protein bar, cashews, gum, drivers license, Mini tips for post race, hand sanitizer, & tissues.
Motivational tunes downloaded:
Somewhere Over the Rainbow (50 First Dates version), Suddenly I See (KT Tunstall), Proud (theme to Biggest Loser reality show), Unwritten(Natasha Beddingfield), Fat Bottom Girls(Queen), Shackles (Mary Mary), ?(Nicole C Mullen), You Spin Me Round (Jessica Simpson), Me and my Gang & Life is a Highway (Rascal Flatts), there are more, but my brain is giving out on me.
Have a great weekend all! See ya at the FINISH LINE!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
I just checked the TNT website. Woohoo, I get to pick up my race packet today. The time is just flying by. Putting the count day clock on this blog has turned into a Doomsday clock for me. Every time I pull it up I have a bit of an anxiety attack.....Aack! I haven't done enough, have I really given it my all?, ugh, breathe, breathe, breathe...
Fortunately I made out a list last week of necessities. This week I am so adhd I can't seem to focus on what needs to be done.
Last night was spent trying to download the music that I want to walk to--all up lifting and encouraging of course. Very upbeat.
Tonight is going to be a shopping night. Last minute stuff for the Mini and some clothing for Jason's wedding on Saturday for Nate. Nate is at least six foot now and 150-155 lbs--clothes from Matt's wedding aren't going to cut it. Nate got all of his shaggy hair cut off! Woohoo! He is such a handsome dude (of course, he gets his looks from his mom--she is not a handsome dude, lol).
I am hoping to find a disposable digital camera to take to the Mini. When I checked at Walmart last week they said they didn't have them and they don't develop them. Hmmmm, I guess I never took into consideration that I wouldn't be able to go into just any store w/ a digital camera setup and print them out. Once again my simple little mind cannot wrap itself around that.
Better get ready for my trip to the gym. Unfortunately, there are only two more days to my complimentary membership at the THFY. As much as I hate to admit it, I think I will continue with the membership--I will actually shell out the money. It is so nice now with all the new machinery.
Looking forward to seeing all my fam this weekend. Praying for safe travel for all. Get ready to do the Chicken Dance!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
This past week I have not worked out a lick. I have eaten anything that struck my fancy. True to form this has all been followed up by lotsa self berating, "What are you thinking? the Mini is only less than 2 wks away--you have come too far to just give up". When I was mentioning this to my life coach she said this is a phenomenon called "tapering"--I had never heard of it. Lo and behold I came home to an email tip from the Mini:
Taper Madness
By your e-Training Coach Jenny Hadfield
“Taper Madness” is a condition known to runners and it usually hits as we begin to decline our mileage 2-3 weeks before the race. It is a condition induced by less training, race nerves and more time on our hands. It is also a time when we are both excited about the upcoming race but equally nervous about the outcome.
The Madness can strike at any moment and rear its ugly head in a variety of ways. Some of us may shop for unusual things while others may drive our friends and family crazy talking only about the race ahead....
...The madness will strike you and will smile when it happens. You may not know it until you reach finish the race. You may realize it while it is happening. You may begin to question your sanity on the plane or in the car, wonder if you trained enough or should add more to the schedule, or even purchase some crazy item at the Expo thinking you must have this to run! In either case, stay calm, review your preparation and have faith. You are well trained and adding anything to the schedule will only take away from your performance on race day!
The more rested you are, the stronger your race performance will be. As counter-intuitive as this may sound, it really works! So, take the time to rest, eat well and spend a little more time with the folks in your life you’ve ignored due to training. Consider this the official "Chill" time of your training.
Knowing that this is "normal" actually gives me the gumption to get back to the gym in the morning. I was beginning to worry that I might chicken out of the race.
Picked my racing singlet up Tues night at TNT. It is pretty awesome. Maybe I will get pics on here before the race--the folks are coming in town this weekend! Woohoo! Mom knows how to do the digital camera thing. If not, I am planning on carrying a disposable digital camera the day of the race.
A lot has been going on with Nate lately. It has not been pleasant. Trying to remember to do something for myself or putting myself ahead of him has been hard. Please keep us in your prayers. He is very hurt right now and is lashing out any way he can think of. I am trusting God that it'll all be good again in the near future but keeping my sanity during that wait is a whole different story.
Love and Hugs to All!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
My time has been so consumed w/ workouts, overtime @ work, and getting to bed early I have pretty much neglected this blog. Just now when I signed on I gasped when I saw 19 days left to the Mini. Breathe, take slow deep breaths.
Not really anything eventful to report. still getting up way too early. Yesterday I had one of my best days ever at the gym. The rest of the day, I was sure, that every workout from here on out was going to be that great. Never wanted to miss another day, another opportunity to push myself, to feel empowered....that is until 3:45 a.m. when my alarm clock went off.
I'm sure you are all gasping, 3:45 A.M., it is the only time I can read and respond to emails and blogs.
Casey, our lab, has the most pitiful look on his face. He has the saddest looking puppy dog eyes. Nate just walked out the door to head for the bus. Casey just sat there, all pathetic, staring at the closed door. Now he is over him--he has decided it is time to go lick the kitchen floor. What is up with that? Why does he do that?
If I am not mistaken, I believe we are getting our racing singlets tonight at TNT. I get all jumpy just thinking about it. I just wanna jump around clapping my hands like a dork.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Just because it ain't broke doesn't mean that it works right.
The new equipment at the gym is AWESOME! However, the standard tensions on these new machines really gave me the workout. Normally I can stay on the basic level of the old elliptical for 40 minutes. This a.m. I could barely make it 10. Then the level I chose for the recumbent bike was so difficult. I actually had to adjust the tension half way down.
I have come home feeling completely exhausted. I could so take a nap right now. Unfortunately I have a 15 yr old son, a 100 lb dog, and a whiny, one-eyed cat to support.
Yesterday morning I entered into the workout facility to find that all the treadmills, ellipticals, and recumbent bikes had been removed for replacement. My workout ended up being a lot of weight machine stuff. Lotsa reps. It was kinda nice b/c it gave the regulars an opportunity to chat. Most days we all just smile or say "Good Morning".
The head trainer assured me that all the equipment would be in place and fully functional this a.m. My first concern was if they had to do their own assembly. Knowing how 'assembly required' goes in our household I was afraid that 'tomorrow' would be September.
Gonna run! I wanna get to the gym exactly when they open so I have an opportunity at one of the new ellipticals. Once the word gets out about the new equipment I am afraid the attendance is going to skyrocket. This year the morning crowd is much larger as it is. I liked it in the 'good ole days' when there was only about 8 of us there.
If you are in the Midwest, keep ahold of your hats and skirt hems, it is a bit windy! May the wind be at your back today!
Sunday, April 08, 2007
The temps have been so excruciatingly cold this weekend. I tried a couple of times to go out to jog around the neighborhood; however, each time I opened the front door I would retreat back to the comfort of my love seat and book.
Last week when I did the 8 mile walk my hamstrings were killing me when I stopped. They were actually shaky for about an hour afterwards. This week at the gym I began doing some machine work that will help to strengthen my hamstrings, as well as, some shoulder work that will help strengthen my posture. Woohoo! the Mini is a little less that 4 wks away.
My goal for this week is to complete a 10 mile distance walk. The temps are supposed to be climbing back to the mid to upper fifties. I can deal with that.
Lessons learned from the 8 mile: strengthen hammies, take 2 bottles of h20, take sport beans, be sure to have restroom accessibility, and leave the belly aching boy at home!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Missed my regular weigh in day of Monday as I stayed home with Nate for Spring Brk. My scales are at work so I didn't get to face the music until today. The scales say I am down a pound. Would have been more thrilled to meet my 3 lb goal but it is the TOM so I guess I will just be grateful for a loss of any kind.
My feet have been giving me fits ever since Sunday. Monday and Tuesday the muscle, tendon, ligament, whatever it is under my right heel felt like it had become detached from my heel bone. All day today my toes have been aching. Needless to say Mon & Tues were rest days.
We were supposed to go to Indpls yesterday to meet with Nate's step mom, Diane for lunch. Unfortunately, as we were walking out the door to leave he sky turned black. I told him that we should wait a little bit for the storm to pass. Instead the sky turned green and got windy. We were none to pleased that we were unable to go. By the time it seemed clear enough to go it was after 3pm and I didn't want to make such a late start. Hopefully, we can reschedule with her in the near future.
The Mini is exactly a month from today....I am going to do this. I am not weak, I AM strong.
Back to the gym in the morning--the weather has gone back to being frigid. I no like to workout in the cold.
Hugs to all!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
This morning I woke up early full of energy. Made a trip to Starbucks for a sugar-free Cinnamon Dulce Latte & a Trib Star. Did some house cleaning, Janet Evanovich reading (just started book 10), showered and headed to the Trail.
A gal I work with suspected the route I was taking was approximately 6 miles. My calculations, due to my times, say that it was more like 8 miles. We parked at Fruitridge and headed east. When we got to the trails end in Seeleyville we rested on a bench for about 5 minutes and turned around and went back.
About mile four I really needed to potty. I kept telling myself, "RHIT stadium is no that far away." Not that I had any other options b/c there aren't any. In an attempt to get to the stadium quicker I jogged. Jogging only made it worse with a full bladder so I walked as fast as I could. Unfortunately, the stadium restrooms were not open.
I was so completely miserable. Poor Nate, I am on my period and my head started spinning around. We just went back to the car. Unfortunately, I had shared my only bottle of h2o with him so I began to get dehydrated about 3/4 of the way to the finish. (My head is still throbbing).
My lily white skin now has a slight blush to it, my legs and glutes are sore.
It occurred to me today that I will be in full blown Time of the Month(TOM) when the Mini takes place. Aack!
"Honest Mr Mini Race Official, I haven't been taking performance enhancing drugs, just an entire bottle of Midol!"
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Sorry my communications are sparse. Basically, all I do is workout, go to job, eat, (possibly walk) and go to bed. By about 8:00p.m. I am absolutely ready to drop into bed. Unfortunately my body only requires about 5 hrs of sleep. Inevitably I am wide awake between 1-2 a.m. (I left a msg w/ my dr's nurse to see if I should come in for this).
Tuesday night I trained w/ the TNT group. It felt pretty tortuous. About 1/2 way into the 5 mile walk I realized that my ankle felt on fire. Dammit! I got a blister on my left ankle. I have been pretty miserable.
Yesterday I took a rest day to recover from the all over body pain from the walk. I went back to the gym today, gung-ho, ready to go. It wasn't nearly the picnic I thought it would be. I was amazed at how "rusty" I was after only one rest day. I managed to make it right at an hour before the rubbing of my blister caused me to abandon my workout. Yeah, I'm a wuss!
Mondays weigh in was a little dramatic b/c it appeared as if I had gained 4 lbs. I was so bummed. I started thinking, "This can't possibly right". The next day I was down 6 lbs from the day before; therefore, I counted it as a 2 lb weight loss.
I better go. My eyes are getting droopy and I need to get in the shower for work. Last night I could not fall asleep until 2:00 a.m.ish.
OBTW, has anyone seen the new Donny Osmond show--America's top Dream Vote? It was on last night. It was actually kind neat. The last lady s/b ashamed of herself. Contestants are pitted against each other in twos to present the crowd with their "dreams" and the audience determines who sets to move on.
The last two ladies were on there b/c they had dead-beat loser children, in their late 20s who would not move out.
Sorry my communications are sparse. Basically, all I do is workout, go to job, eat, (possibly walk) and go to bed. By about 8:00p.m. I am absolutely ready to drop into bed. Unfortunately my body only requires about 5 hrs of sleep. Inevitably I am wide awake between 1-2 a.m. (I left a msg w/ my dr's nurse to see if I should come in for this).
Tuesday night I trained w/ the TNT group. It felt pretty tortuous. About 1/2 way into the 5 mile walk I realized that my ankle felt on fire. Dammit! I got a blister on my left ankle. I have been pretty miserable.
Yesterday I took a rest day to recover from the all over body pain from the walk. I went back to the gym today, gung-ho, ready to go. It wasn't nearly the picnic I thought it would be. I was amazed at how "rusty" I was after only one rest day. I managed to make it right at an hour before the rubbing of my blister caused me to abandon my workout. Yeah, I'm a wuss!
Mondays weigh in was a little dramatic b/c it appeared as if I had gained 4 lbs. I was so bummed. I started thinking, "This can't possibly right". The next day I was down 6 lbs from the day before; therefore, I counted it as a 2 lb weight loss.
I better go. My eyes are getting droopy and I need to get in the shower for work. Last night I could not fall asleep until 2:00 a.m.ish.
OBTW, has anyone seen the new Donny Osmond show--America's top Dream Vote? It was on last night. It was actually kind neat. The last lady s/b ashamed of herself. Contestants are pitted against each other in twos to present the crowd with their "dreams" and the audience determines who sets to move on.
The last two ladies were on there b/c they had dead-beat loser children, in their late 20s who would not move out.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Anticipating another early morning workout I went to be about 8:00 last night. Lo and behold, I am wide awake at 1:00a.m. Instead of just rolling over and trying to go back to sleep I decided to check email/blogs.
Right now I am very uncomfortable because I cannot find the darn Tums! I have a brand new bottle somewhere. I am beginning to wonder if I didn't take them to work and put them in my desk.
Tomorrow is my official weigh in day so I chose to eat a can of peas w/ a little butter last night for dinner. That probably sounds like a pretty noble attempt to eat light before a weigh in, actually, it was out of sheer laziness. I didn't want to have to make something more complicated.
During my Friday morning workout I strained my back on a piece of equipment. Saturday I had set a goal of walking 10 miles. Unfortunately, I didn't make it quite that far. By about mile 3 I was in quite a bit of pain. By the time it was all said and done I walked about 4.5 miles. Yesterday, I did nothing. I decided to have a rest day. I would be so completely bummed if I was injured when the weekend of the Mini came.
Yesterday was such a glorious day. I got in a huge amount of "light therapy"--most of the day was spent in my Adirondack chair reading another Janet Evanovich story. I finished book 7 of the Stephanie Plum series and began book 8. Right before bed last night I was looking in the mirror. I have a one-sided tan. Being on the porch, the sun really beat down on the left side of my body. The right side is still fairly pale. I guess I will just have to even it out next weekend.
I guess I'd better try going back to bed for a little bit. The alarm clock will be going off at 4:30a.m.
Friday, March 23, 2007
This week I have really been focusing on gym workouts. I have been getting up at 4:30 every morning to go to the gym. By the time I get home, fix dinner, chill out a bit, and catch up on emails and blogs I am absolutely exhausted. Needless to say I am not keeping the late nights that I usually do.
The weather this week has been awesome. I have even been sleeping with the windows open. Ahhhh, next to Fall, Spring is my next favorite season. Believe it or not, now that I have all this extra energy, from morning workouts, I think I am going to start doing some serious yard work. I know this is shocking to most of you--it is so out of character for me, but what the heck!
My aluminum siding, on the outside of the house, has begun to look pretty dingy. I want to look into renting a power washer. Once that is done I want to look into either painting the siding or just touching up the awnings. I haven't decided yet. I am sure that cost will play a big factor.
Last summer, my little neighbor friend Kimberly, painted the siding on her house and detached garage and I am thinking it was less than $200. My cost might be a little higher b/c her family already owned the paint sprayer. Now that I think about it she painted well into the summer to avoid the wind. I may have to put this job off already. I don't think my next door neighbor would appreciate the deep cranberry color I intend to use on his taupe siding.
The Mini is not that far off. This year has just flown by. I am not only looking forward to the Mini--my folks will be here then! My cousin is getting married the evening of the Mini so I am looking forward to spending time with aunts, uncles, & cousins that I don't get to see very often. OMG, I had the perfect outfit picked out for the wedding and reception but I just realized that my feet are probably not going to be in any shape to be in ultra pointy pumps. Hmmm, I will have to take this into consideration.
Last night I watched my "baby cakes" nephew. I always call him baby cakes (his given name is actually Max). Last night he tried to correct me, "Ont Chonna, I not baby cakes, my name is Max, A-M-X. How funny is that! He then tried to tell me that he could only be baby cakes if, "I have a baby in my belly and a cake with candles".
Later, when it was getting toward bed time, I told him that we would need to take off his Buzz Lightyear suit and put on his jammies. He wasn't quite ready, and it was still a little early, so I just let him sit in the corner of the couch all curled up. All of the sudden he yawned a yawn that must have come from his tippy toes. When I looked over at him, and raised an eyebrow at him, he said, "That was a wake-up yawn". He is such a stinker butt!
Monday, March 19, 2007
This weekend was Nate's surprise party. I was such a nervous wreck. Never again will I fail to RSVP for an event. I didn't have a firm number on how many kids were showing up. The kids I really thought would be there weren't and a couple of kids came with others that I had not originally invited (which was more than fine). We had 8 and 1/2 teens show up with 6 adults throughout the course of the evening. (the 1/2 was my baby cakes nephew, Max).
Everything worked out perfectly. I was running a little behind but it was all good. My biggest fear was getting to Sams Club, having them look at the membership card, and say, "Sorry ma'am, this isn't your card!" I actually don't have a membership so I borrowed Cole's card. She has lost so much weight...needless to say it is obvious that the card was not mine. I decided to pay with cash and pull the hundred dollar bill out before handing over the card. It worked out perfectly, the guy never even looked at the pic. It wasn't necessary for me to put the "old Shauna" on (believe me, I had all my arguments all lined out in my head).
I literally ran to the bakery to pick up the 48 butter cream iced cupcakes and then deposited them on a flat bed cart so I could pick up the 8 pizzas from the snack shack part of Sams. The pizza were awesome! I have heard from others over the years that they are quite tasty but I had not actually tried them (probably b/c I didn't have a membership).
The traffic in the south end of town around Sams still sucks! I guess I had hoped that it would have drastically declined after the new Walmart was built out on 46. Fortunately, my friend Jen was driving or I would have killed myself or gotten myself thrown in jail.
Everything worked out perfectly. We got to the gaming place right at 5:45, just enough time to get all the decorations set up, food layed out, and guests in place. Nate was very confused when he walked in. He kept looking around--it wasn't until I said Happy Birthday that he finally got it.
The kids had a blast. They stayed until about 9pm--originally, I was willing to stay until 11pm if they chose but fortunately they decided they would rather go rent some movies and games and go home. I had managed to take on a stress headache and my back was aching from carrying a huge bucket (the kind w/ rope handles) laden w/ soda bottles and h2o bottles.
I better get, I have been up for an hour and I want to be at the Y right when it opens at 5am. I have decided to workout at least 2hrs a day until the Mini. This thing isn't over for me yet.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
This week my 5'11 size 13 foot boy turned 15! It is so weird having to look up at him. It still catches me off guard when we are standing side by side and he is towering over me. I probably should measure him b/c he does seem to be more than 3 inches taller than me. If I ever decide to sell my house the next owners will get a kick out of the measuring marks and dates on the kitchen door frame--he is not really that far off from being as tall as the highest point.
Nate has not had a birthday party since his first birthday. March really sucks for a birth month b/c there is just nothing to do here during this time of year. My house is pretty tiny so I don't have the room to have more than a handful of kids over at any one time. Lotsa parents opt for a hotel room w/ pool access but I honestly don't want to have to deal with liability issues.
This year I came up with the perfect plan. We have a new gaming facility filled with large, flat screen, plasma tvs that hang on walls. Each room is equipped with numerous 360s, PS3s, and Wiis. There are sectionals where the kids can hang out and play with other kids from all around the facility. I have made it a surprise party. Since it is actually 4 days after his birthday I don't think he suspects anything.
Tonight I actually had to make an excuse to take the cordless house phone out to the car so I could make some follow up calls to his friends. I am the absolute worse when it comes to RSVPs--I am now reaping what I have sown over the years. I only had 1 out of 15 kids RSVP. I gave them my work# to respond to. The little girl who was considerate enough to RSVP is the girl I would ultimately love for him to marry. She has been one of his best friends since middle school--she is every parent's dream.
My next dilemma is how I am going to get him to the party on Saturday. I will need to go to Sams to pick up the pizzas and cupcakes and be to the facility a little early. I'm thinking my friends Sandy, Rance, & Stephen may have to come get him for trip to the climbing wall or to the coffee shop and then deliver when it is time.
The cost with renting the facility, pizza, drinks, & cupcakes seemed very reasonable. I will pay for the first two hours. If the teen has never been there they get an hour for free. If they choose to stay on longer it is an addl $4/hr at their own expense.
I personally am really looking forward to playing with the new Wii. As you recall, I was going to get one for Nate for Christmas and he decided he would rather have an mp3 player instead (that was until he actually recd the mp3 player and my laptop seems to have problems downloading music to it--then he decided maybe he should have gone with the Wii).
Since he knew nothing about the party I still had to come up with actual birthday surprises. I purchased a musical card from Hallmark that played Bad to the Bone, some money (his favorite gift), and a trip to the movie theatre to see the new Jim Carey movie, The Number 23 (it totally sucked, I would not recommend it). We did see a preview of a movie about the plagues from the Bible that hit in modern times that looks fabulous. I don't recall the name but I will pass it along as I find out.
We have decided for Spring Break that we are going to Indpls to spend time with his step mom. While there we are planning to go see 300 at the Imax. Unfortunately, the plans for Spring Break in Bama did not work out. In order to get him on a direct flight I would have had to drive him to St Louis and my aunt and uncle would have had to drive to Birmingham. We have decided to change it to a summer trip instead when I can go along as well. Initially I thought it would be cool to drive him to Huntsville, visit with them, and then have the folks drive up from FL go get him and take him back with them for awhile; however, I don't relish the drive back from Bama by myself.
I got a great early morning workout in. I felt really great until right before lunch time and then my butt started to drag. It pretty much drug for the remainder of the day. I had hoped to get a walk in this evening but by the time I got home it was almost dark and the 70 degree temps we had yesterday had long since passed. What can I say? I am a wuss!
This whole training thing has been a disaster. I have really been down on myself about my lack of discipline. It occurred to me today, "What were you expecting? You have always been a down to the deadline type person"--the very reason I excelled in journalism. I can pull it out in the last minutes. There is still hope for the Mini. I have not given up yet (although there have been times that I have just about thrown in the towel). As of last night I refocused and set my sights on success in May. Success will be measured in participation and completion. I will have failed if I give into my insecurities and don't even attempt it.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
This week has pretty much been the pits. I have been experiencing that monthly curse and pretty much hating everyone and everything. This week has been a real struggle in avoiding sweets and sugars. All I have thought about was running to sweets for comfort.
Instead of partaking in sweets I have pretty much inhaled anything w/o sugar. Friday was a big day for fried fish. I ate Baesler's batter dipped, deep fried fish for lunch and then attended the St Ben's fish fry w/ Jen. Imagine the fun I had later that evening when the "sugar-free" cookies I had had earlier in the day met up with the greasy fish--Aack! The cookies has warned that they would have a laxative effect.
Thursday evening, before leaving work, I had asked my boss as to when we would meeting for my quarterly goals meeting. He preceded to say, "that has been placed on hold pending a decision from upper management." I was completely shocked. Things have been kind of whacky for the last couple of months so I preceded to clean out my work space of all personal touches. I was sooooo pissed when I left. My night was pretty much shot. All I could think about was, "I need sugar!" Fortunately, I did not cave.
Friday morning, I went into his office, closed the door and told him I felt that he owed me an explanation as to why upper mngmt was involved in my goals review. He looked at me and said, "I don't know what you are talking about". I recounted the conversation from the previous evening. He was completely dumb founded. Apparently, he misinterpreted what I was asking. He thought I was referring to a position that had just become available on Wednesday due to a sudden resignation. Upper mngmt was deciding whether the position would be filled again. He was completely apologetic. He felt horrible, knowing that I had had such a rotten, sleepless night over his misinterpretation.
I am so grateful for God's grace that got me through that rough patch. Fortunately, I did not resort to eating the sweets I so desperately thought I needed.
Nate has had a friend spending the weekend with us so I have been spending all my time reading. Earlier this week I finished the most recent addition to the Karen Kingsbury First Born Series: Forever.
A couple of people of suggested I might enjoy the works of Janet Evanovich. She has a series of books with a character by the name of Stephanie Plum--a bounty hunter. I began reading One for the Money last night and finished it a couple of hours ago. Now I am on to the second book in the series, Two for the Dough. In fact, I better go to the library website and reserve the 3rd and 4th books in the series. I believe there have been 13-15 released so far.
Stephanie Plum is not nearly as entertaining as the reality show, Dog--the Bounty Hunter on A&E. Nate and I really enjoy watching Dog and his family grab bail jumpers in the Hawaiian Islands.
We have discovered a new, sugar-free, sweet treat at work. Crystal Light offers these little individual packs of powder that can be poured into a standard sized bottle of water. We have a refrigerator at work with a super-duper freezer. We simply add a CL pack to the bottle of water, shake, put in freezer for 1.5 hours. When you take the bottle out of the freezer the liquid is partially frozen. Just squeeze the bottle slightly to break the frozen liquid apart and shake. It turns into the greatest 5 calorie slushee you have ever tasted. We are all adddicted at work. My favorite flavors are Tropical Punch, Cherry-Pomegranite, Raspberry Lemonade, and Lemon hydration w/ electrolites and B12 vitamins.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
The last couple of weeks, at work, have been really crazy. I have really been struggling w/ my job. I love my job and the people I work with....its just that there are some really unrealistic expectations being placed on us. We have been working with a bare bones staff since the layoffs over a year ago. Now one gal has left and another seems to be headed that way.
Normally I am the "cheerleader" type. Always trying to keep others positive about the many changed that are taking place--to be honest, from a business perspective I can see where they are necessary and needed. But I have gotten to the point where I don't want to cheer anymore. It's not like I want to bad mouth the company but I just don't want to defend it anymore to griping fellow employees.
Several months ago we had our performance appraisals. My boss said he would like follow-up with a progress report--which he has been conducting the last couple of days. I am really irritated because he has been postponing mine.
My personality is very assertive. I don't believe in griping just to be griping. If you have an issue, take it to someone who can do something about it. Don't just bring everybody down. The fact that I am vocal seems to be my downfall. I am not saying anything that everyone else is not already saying, they just don't have guts enough to tell someone who can make the change.
I am very anxiety ridden about this "progress" report as I have lost ground rather than gained it. At the time that he gave me certain goals to shoot for he also tied my hands with a policy demand that is very time consuming and actually loses the company money. Therefore, my work has fallen behind and my days in a/r look horrible.
My prayer this Lenten season is that the Lord would change my heart--my first reaction is to go into his office and lay it all out. I would never mean it in a disrespectful, undermining authority type of way. But that is where my strong, assertive personality would cause problems. I am the type of person who can try to give a flattering compliment and it can come across as a slap in the face.
I don't know that there is truly an answer for this question but I will put it out there. After many years of reflection and acceptance I have come to appreciate my personality type. Annoying as it can be at times, I believe that God has made me this way for a reason and He actually loves me this way. But then I read in scripture where I should be meek and soft spirited. Do I need to give up who I am? or is it possible to be both?
As you can see I am struggling with this on a personal level and a much deeper spiritual level. If you get a moment today please say a little prayer for me. Thanks much!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Ever since lent began I have been craving a hot bowl of oatmeal. Sounds healthy right? Well, not really. I prefer it with lots of butter, maple syrup, and brown sugar.
The other day when I was at Walmart I noticed that Splenda was available in brown sugar. That was the extent of my label reading.
This morning I got up early, padded into the kitchen, anxious to eat an early breakfast for a change. Once the oatmeal was prepared and the Splenda package was open I decided maybe I would read the package. Apparently the brown sugar is 1/2 Splenda and 1/2 regular brown sugar! Damn!
No worries. I remembered that my mom had left a bottle of Sugar-Free maple syrup in my cabinet during their last trip to town. I open the bottle, pour the syrup on my oatmeal, and then read the labeling. The syrup expired 4 months ago AND it said that it s/h/b refrigerated all that time.
Better get ready for work. I will just have to eat my grapefruit later this morning. Aack!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
When my folks wanna know why I don't want to move to FL one of my reasons is SEASONS.
I love the seasons of the mid-west (especially FALL). Normally, we have 4 seasons that are equally, fairly consistently, spread out during a calendar year.
This past week we have pretty much run the gamut of the seasons within 7 days. We have had temps in the high sixties, mid week, and slightly blizzardish late last evening. Fortunately we have not been effected by these extreme changes in terms of illnesses. My poor sister-in-law has not been so fortunate. I went over to watch my baby cakes boy for a couple of hours today while T&C went on one of their Terre Haute House adventures. Cole was having quite a bit of trouble talking. It was more like a quiet, squeak.
This has been a wonderful weekend to be wrapped up in a flannel blanket with woolly socks. I did manage to be a bit productive--cleaned house. Woohoo! I even rearranged furniture. Poor Casey, our hundred pound dumb-dumb lab, is rejoicing. He normally stays in one of the bedrooms b/c there is no carpeting in the living room. He doesn't usually hang out with us much b/c he would rather lay on the carpeting in the bedrooms. Once I got the living room cleaned and rearranged I layed down a beautiful 5X7 Berber area rug that I purchased from Linens & Things. Casey is thrilled to be part of the fam again. He doesn't have slip and slide on the hardwood anymore.
When I wasn't cleaning or rearranging I spent much time curled up working on my beading projects or reading a new book SEVENTY TIMES SE7EN by Brandt Dobson. He is a new Christian fiction author that I have discovered. His books are a really easy read. The cool thing is that the Colton Parker series takes place in Indianapolis, IN. Having lived in the Circle City for several years I am very familiar with a lot of the sites and streets he mentions. In fact, in this book, he makes reference of Terre Haute several times.
Speaking of beading--my friend Jen has started a "sub" blog to Jens Journey. It features some of her beading designs. You can see the wonderful French, Dutch, Spiral, Twistee (lol) bracelet that she made me for Christmas. (We laugh b/c I can never remember its proper name).
As far as training goes--I suck! I am too much of a wimp to get out in the cold temps.
Going w/o sugar and sweets isn't so much torture anymore; however, I have been overcompensating with of carbs. I have been eating much more bread than normal. Yesterday, I was completely insatiable. I actually broke down and ate my Sugar Free PEEPS. Nate was with a friend all weekend so I kept telling myself, "Just go to Baeslers...frosted cake donuts, ice cream, hot chocolate, who would know?" Fortunately I made it through yesterday. I probably should look at it as a triumph. In the past I would have told myself to go ahead and do it. "You know that you are too weak and you are going to end up giving in anyway. Why not sooner than later?" Now that I think about it, I think that is the only time that I have stood up to the voice in my head. Once it says, "You know you are going to do it anyway" I am on my way to doing whatever I shouldn't be doing. But not yesterday. I guess I have been so busy beating myself up for all the times I thought about sweets that I didn't take the time to see that I hadn't actually caved in.
It kinda reminds me of when I have dreams about smoking. I have been smoke-free for 12 years now. Every once in a while I will have a dream where I have started smoking again. I beat myself up in my dreams for being so weak. AND if I am really fortunate, I will continue to beat myself up for the rest of the day (while I am awake!) Hellllllooooooo! it was just a dream. I did not relapse. But my funky brain makes me think I have! Good grief!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
My dear friend Jen has introduced a new vice to my life. In an attempt to get me out of my comfy house and comfy flannel pjs(by the way, is that really so wrong? to love your house and pjs?) she has officially gotten me addicted to beading.
Tonight she accompanied me on a trip to our local Hobby Lobby. It is the most awesome store. My ADHD goes haywire. She and Nate kept making fun of the fact that I couldn't stay focused enough to complete a sentence. Mid sentence a new bead, clasp, or clearance sign would lasso me in.
My ultimate goal is to make enough money from the sale of my "masterpieces" to fund my trip to NYC for Christmas and New Years Eve.
Yes, I am avoiding, I don't wanna admit that I skipped out on training today. I have got to be the laziest person on earth. I can go to bed after midnight, get up when the alarm clock goes off at 4am, sign onto my computer, check email, blogs, etc...and be up until 5am--at which time I look outside, see frost on the windows, and head back to bed b/c I don't wanna have to warm up my car.
Yesterday while I was doing my big walk I caught myself making new excuses. For the last couple of months now I have been saying, "if it was just lighter outside". It finally gets lighter of an evening and now I am whining b/c the temps have dropped again. Next thing you know it will be lighter and warmer and I will have to invent an entirely new excuse--hm, like--"I am walking entirely too fast. If only I could gain some more weight in my butt and hips to slow me down a bit." (yeah, pigs with wings will be spotted on the doprad).
Monday, February 26, 2007
When I decided to participate in the Lenten season my goal, ulterior motive, hope above all hopes was that the sugar in my system would dissipate. Once I get over that little hump I can eat sensibly (lotsa fruits & veggies/3 meals a day/eat only when hungry and to satisfaction/basically food is just fuel for me).
It wasn't until day four of Lent that it occurred to me that I was limiting God. For crying out loud--if He can shed His life for me on a cross, be raised from the dead, and leave His Holy Spirit for me, could He not take away this aversion that I have to sugar all together. Could He not change my whole outlook?
Day four became, "Oh Happy Day"!
Initially, I was using a Lent devotional that I found through Christian Book Distributors; however, this particular devotional did not seem to be working for me. It wasn't bringing me to the place of brokenness and devotion that I was desiring. I have since switched to one called The Journey to the Cross my friend Jen has been using. It has been totally amazing.
Tonight while Nate was at tutoring I decided to do a path that I had been told was exactly a mile. I figured that I s/b able to get in at least 3 miles by the time his hour was up. It was much cooler than I expected--no excuses, I just kept plugging on as quickly as I could. Even jogged a little.
My first "mile" was 25 minutes and my second was a little over 26. I was about to give up on walking and the Mini altogether. Even at my heaviest w/ no activity level to speak of I could do a 20 minute mile. Once Nate was done I decided to measure out the distance. It actually ended up being 1.4 miles....thank God! Woohoo! Basically, I did almost 3 mi in 51 min--roughly a 17 min mile. Not my best time--but still better than what the Mini requires.
The new kicks really felt wonderful. It is amazing how different it feels when you wear a shoe designed for your feet and the activity you are participating in. Each pair of shoes should only be used for 200 miles; therefore, I now have 197.2 miles left on this pair.
Does anyone watch the NBC show Heroes? We almost gave up on it recently. We had not seen the last 4 episodes but they were recorded and saved on the dvr. This weekend we got caught up on them. Tonight was awesome! Nothing is as it seems. If you have not been watching I highly recommend that you pickup the seasons as they become available on dvd. The writers have this show so well thought out. I wish my mind worked like that!
I want to close with a quote that I read this evening. I receive weekly updates by email from the 500 Festival--training tips for the Mini/sponsored by Subway restaurants. This particular quote got a hold of me b/c I feel that I haven't been putting in as much time into training as I s/b:
Seize the day
To paraphrase an old poster: Today is the first day of the rest of your training. It doesn’t matter where you started or how far you’ve come. Today is the day.
Your training didn’t start 6 weeks ago. Your training started the last time you hit the road.
John “the Penguin” Bingham
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The time has come to retire my training shoes. My Physician, who participates in marathons, explained to me that the insides of shoes breaks down much quicker than the outside. Although my shoes appeared as if they had many more miles to them according to their aesthetics they were well past their functionality.
If anyone ever tells you that all sporting good stores are created equally they are incorrect. I have been so entirely impressed with the staff of Pacesetter Sporting Goods. Their depth of knowledge is very impressive. The young gal who assisted me was interested more in my arch and gait than selling me the highest priced option.
When it came to trying on the different shoes she always put a different style of shoe on each foot. This was so helpful. It helped me to see the difference between the two. It was much easier to eliminate the option that was not comfortable. Within minutes I had gone through quite a few different brands and styles--ultimately choosing the best, most comfortable one for me.
Once the determination had been made she had me walk on a treadmill to watch my stride and how the shoes supported it. I am so grateful for the perfect match.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Yesterday, while taking Nate to school, I noticed a new type of plate on several cars. On the left hand side of plate it says IN GOD WE TRUST. It is the coolest. I liked it so well that I was willing to pay an extra fee if it was specific to a certain organization.
During lunch I noticed a co-worker had one on her car. It occurred to me that her last name begins with the letter "A"--I am soooooo excited, these are our new state plates! I will not have to pay extra for it.
It seems like a wonderfully bold move on behalf of our state government. In a world where every belief or right seems to be honored except for the Christian belief this is an awesome statement. This decision is an exciting one because it proves that we as Christians, despite our denominational preferences, have become united in our very basic belief. We are like minded and willing to come together and fight as children of God.
This seems like a major accomplishment for society to acknowledge our very relevant existence.Our numbers would have to be phenomenal in order for this issue to be raised--for government to relent in dividing us. Our voices, in the name of God, have been heard.
It seems that the government seems to be learning from the lessons that we have been teaching the retail industry in the last several years.
You know, as usual, that I am probably over thinking all of this--irregardless, I am grateful for the opportunity to proudly display this plate on my vehicle.
Friday, February 23, 2007
In keeping with the tradition of Lent, within the Catholic church, I opted for seafood. We had a wonderful dinner with my friend Susan and her teenage son Andrew at the local Red Lobster.
Our 20-25 minute wait, to be seated, ended up being more like 45-50. Once I was elbow deep in crab legs and butter I completely understood why the folks before us were a little delayed in leaving. Nate could not believe the "amount of food" I had eaten. Hello, he was basing that on the empty crab shells NOT the 2 ounces of crab meat that I got out of that pound of shells.
Tonight I actually took advantage of the complimentary garlic, cheese biscuits. Not that I eat there often; however, when I have gone in the recent past it seems like I am always trying to watch my carb intake. Rather than skipping them this evening I ate 3.
Today was particularly difficult when it came to sweets as there was a birthday in the office today. A couple of gals brought homemade brownies and cakes with homemade icing. You know me--cake and ice cream would be my primary staples if I went by feeling and desire alone. It seems so unfair that the nutritional value of these items are not the equivalent of fruit and veggies.
Susan and I discussed that when she attempts a low carb diet the first 3 days are the worst. She said yesterday that day three is when it starts to get a little easier. Not for this sugar addict. Today all I could hear was co-workers raving about the homemade treats, Girl Scout cookies being delivered, and the waitress explaining in entirely too much detail every ooey gooey ingredient on the dessert tray. Aack!
During my prayer and devotional time tonight I kept hearing the scripture, in my mind, "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good". Father, forgive me that at this particular time I cannot imagine you tasting better than Cold Stone Creamery, a Reeces peanut butter egg, or an entire tray of Peeps.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
It has been kind of a stressful, crazy week at work. I am so looking forward to going to the movies with Nate. We were supposed to go see the new Nick Cage movie, GHOSTRIDER, last weekend; however, our near blizzard conditions kept us home bound. We have really been looking forward to it. Bummed does not even begin to describe how disappointed we were last weekend--we wanted to be there for the new release so badly.
There is nothing like popcorn for dinner. Sweets are not going to be a temptation at the movie theater as I am entirely too cheap to purchase the much overpriced, almost criminal, candy they sell there. Normally, I will go buy it at the dollar store and sneak it in.
When Nate was just a little tyke we went to the "fueter" to see FLUBBER. I stopped by the dollar store on the way there to pick up a few of our favorite treats (Gummier Bears & Junior Mints). When we got back in the car, with the sweetest innocence of a child, Nate asked me, "Mom will the fueter police arrest us?"--apparently my previous warning about not piping up in front of the ticket guy about our hidden treasures caused him some distress. Needless to say I did not sneak any sweet treats that day.
Eating sugary sweets has not really been an issue today. I am very mindful of my commitment when planning meals. I had a sugar-free Dulce/Cinnamon latte and a egg, ham, & cheese bagel from Starbucks for lunch. That was a little enticing as we went inside to place our orders instead of the drive thru. It seemed like every time I turned away from a sweet treat I was faced with another one.
Totally out of boredom and habit I started to head toward a candy jar in the office that I usually visit between 2:00 and 3:00 in the afternoon. I did it so absently that when I "came to" it kind of scared me. I don't want to screw up because of distraction or my mind being a hundred miles away when I happen to be standing by a treat jar. It really caused me to wonder how many times this must happen and I am never even aware of it.
Tonight, while shopping for birthday treats for a co-worker, I discovered that they now have Sugar-Free PEEPS. I was pretty excited about it and purchased a couple--one for me and one for Jen. Although they are sugar-free I am going to hang on to them--it just didn't seem right to partake of candy during this time. The packaging says it contains Splenda.
Last week when I was sharing with Kimberly (remember my little neighbor girl who likes to do squats and lunges with me around the neighborhood) my winter blues issues she gave me a solution to my woes. Her mom is an RN. When Kim's elderly grandfather gets winter blues her mom takes him to a tanning bed for some light therapy. Apparently it is very common for older folks to go to tanning salons to get a pick me up. I am not a big fan of tanning; however, I'm thinking if I go for brief amounts of time and sparingly I may get the desired effects from it. At this point I am willing to give it a try.
Worked out this evening. I really had to give myself a kick in the pants to get out the door. It was all the more rewarding when I got there and accomplished my objective. The Y really needs some new equipment--I couldn't believe the amount of squeaking and squawking that many of the machines were making. There was one that was particularly annoying. I would think that a little bit of grease or something would do the trick. They have about 10 treadmills and at least 4 of them have 'out of order' signs on them.
There was a fella walking on a treadmill that started screeching like it was taking its dying breath. It startled him so that he just stopped--he almost bit the dust because the conveyor kept moving. Fortunately he regained his balance once he managed to hop onto the side treads.
Nite Nite All!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Temptation?....What was I thinking when I signed up for this?
Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He fasted forty days and forty nights.--Matthew 4:1-2
The Spirit is leading us into a wilderness of the imagination, a period of testing: Lent. For several weeks, we will focus our minds more intently than usual on God, wiping cobwebs from the corners of the soul, noticing what has crept in that is not of God, remembering how God is yearning for us to grow spiritually.
Excerpted from: The Sanctuary of Lent 2007 by James C. Howell
Have I neglected all things spiritual to the point of disregard for the temptation part of this Lenten equation? Did I really think that Lent is as superficial as not partaking in sweets and sugars? Was I only imagining a slight irritation--sweets being dangled in front of me on a stick for only 40 days? Surely I can handle that little blip in the road.
Maybe I should read a little more than the suggested verse. Aha, Jesus was not actually tempted for 40 days. He fasted for 40 days and nights--the devil then tempted Him. Well, that's a little better. That is 39 days in the future. You know me the eternal procrastinator--we can worry about that when the time comes. Surely the Lord will be strengthening me by His mighty power to overcome that temptation, right?
Several, several years ago I had a Lenten revelation. Struggling with food issues and eating disorders for most of my life, it was fascinating to me that the devil used food as the first temptation. The devil then went on to tempt Jesus with acclaim and greed. Since food has always been my shortcoming, I have never progressed, if you will, to the point of acclaim and greed.
Imagine a conversation between the devil and one of his underling demons:
Demon: "Hey, there is Shauna, why don't we tempt her with the fame and notoriety that could come from being the novelist that she always wanted to be? Or maybe we can give her the business savvy of Trump? Better yet, why don't we give her the business savvy of Trump and allow her to appear on the Apprentice."
Devil: "Nah, just throw a Twinkie out in front of her. She will be bound for decades."
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
In the back of my mind, for the last week or so, I have been contemplating the Lenten season. Although I found some success last year with my nutrition, physical activity, discipline, and consistency it was all limited to my own strength and ability. If I am to find extreme success with long lasting effects it can only be through the power of God.
It is shameful the amount of growth in spirituality that I have been negligent with. Unfortunately, I have allowed my own hurt and disappointment in mortal man to distance me from my Lord. All things spiritual, my Bible, my church attendance, and my devotional time have been a source of contempt for me the last couple of years. And those of you close enough to me can see how the absence of all of these things have been playing out in my life.
Fortunately, of all things, I was listening to Bob & Tom on the radio this morning on my way to work. It was actually one of the djs that brought up the fact that this is Fat Tuesday. I would have missed it if it hadn't been for that dj. Knowing how much of an 'all or nothing' person I am this could have been disastrous. If I had discovered it Lent had already begun, even a day or two into it, I would have been defeated--rather than attempting to give God my sacrifice for the remaining days.
There are three issues that I want to address during this Lenten season:
*A sacrifice of sugars, sweets, desserts (I could literally eat cake and ice cream every meal for the rest of my life).
*Allow God to increase in my devotional time.
*Allow God to increase in my time of exercise.
All of that is easy to write down until I take the flip side of those issues into consideration. All of them require me to die to self. My self that is entirely self-centered.
You will have to bear with me--this blog will turn into my revelations of Lent.
Monday, February 19, 2007
All day long I have looked forward to getting out into the much anticipated sultry temps. It had been forecasted that the high today would be 42 degrees. Woohoo! I should easily be able to do 5 miles in 42 degree weather.
Apparently I don't understand science very well. A high of 42 degrees does not eliminate 6 inches of snow and ice in an 8 hr period. I figured it would be a little wet...but I didn't realize that if you added just a little color and a little flavoring that you would have the best slurpee ever. We now have 3 inches of pure slush.
The last few hours of the work day my head was throbbing. Fortunately, I have stayed relatively healthy this winter; however, I think my time has come. Everyone at work has had this sinusee, funky, snotty, whooping cough sounding illness that generally lasts 2 wks (minimum). The origin of the throbbing seemed to be my sinuses. Wouldn't that be just great! Temps cooperate and I get the funk.
Even though my head was throbbing I kept telling myself, "tough sh*t, you are going to walk"--when I emerged from my basement ofc and determined the outer world was covered in slush I have to admit I was a bit relieved. After preparing Nate's dinner I have been resting w/ the lights turned off.
Jen tagged me a week ago--to share 5 things that is not generally known about me. My life is such an open book, I can't really think of 5 whole things. I may have to spread this tag over several days.
1)I worked part-time for Market Square Arena as an usher in the late 80's, early 90's. I was serenaded to by Rod Stewart, been greeted by Kenny G & Tracy Chapman, and yelled at by Anita Baker. Apparently she was remorseful b/c she requested to meet me so she could apologize--whatever! Still don't listen to her music to this day.
2)Although I have successfully matched five couples with their soul mates (all have been married in excess of 15 years) I have been unsuccessful in finding my own 6'4 bald man.
3)While working for Peoples Bank & Trust in Inpdls I was working in a branch that was robbed. The teller line was behind bullet proof glass. I was stuck back in a corner running the drive thru window. Did not even know what had happened until I walked into the vault, passed the tellers, and say about 20 IPD officers running in, guns drawn. (It was suspected to be an inside job--w/ the cooperation of the teller directly involved).
4)Climbed up on top of the Indiana Theater (more bird poop than you can possibly imagine).
5)Went on a memorable tour of NYC via the subway. My friend that I was touring with assured me that subway cars were nothing like what you see in the movies. New, well lit, w/o graffiti. As my luck would have it, the car that pulled up to us was dilapidated, windows broken, lights burnt out, graffiti laden. We stepped on and took the train to the next stop, got off to go on to the next stop, instead, ended up on a train that took us back to where we had just come from--repeated this twice. I attempted to ask for help from one of the fellow passengers; however, my friend didn't seem to think that drawing anymore attention to the fact that we were tourists was such a great idea. Fortunately, everything worked out for the best. I will never go on the subway again b/c the stench is enough to kill a person.
My tag will now go out to: Susan, Sissa & Pandy.